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WWE Over The Limit Predictions & more more more how do u like it?

I wish I had some witty way to open this week edition, but frankly I don’t.

Oh I guess that’s something witty. Anyways, this week we are here to kick some booty so enjoy yo! And WWE Over The Limit Predictions.

Welcome back homies!! It’s a big weekend here with the WWE pay-per-view, and I promised I would give you a quick rundown of the TNA pay-per-view from last week, which I downloaded and watched Monday night. So with that all said, it’s time to shut it, and get to bidness!


I did really well with staying away from the results last weekend, so watching it on Monday I was able to do predictions for it and I actually did fairly well. I got five out of eight matches right. Some matches weren’t too bad, and others I didn’t even watch in it’s entirety.


TNA Sacrifice

-TNA Tag Team Championship: C)Magnus & Samoa Joe  vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

My Prediction: Magnus & Samoa Joe

Going Over: Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

-This match wasn’t bad at all. I was very impressed with the way Daniels and Kazarian work together. They have a similar style that allows them to plan their attacks (ha, plan!). They have chemistry, style and believability as a tag team. A connection that make them look as if they’ve always worked as a tag team. I wasn’t surprised that they went over. If I had made my prediction part way through the match, I would have picked them to win, but I did not. I always make mine before the match starts.

-TNA Knockouts Championship: C)Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher

My Prediction: Gail Kim

Going Over: Gail Kim

-I’m not a fan of Miss Tessmacher (Brooke Adams) by any means, but she showed vast improvement in this match against Gail Kim. The match itself was better than recent WWE Diva’s matches, but on par with other Knockout matches I have to say it was…meh!

-TNA Television Championship: C)Devon vs. Robbie E. & Robbie T.

My Prediction: Devon

Going Over: Devon

-Simply put…Nobody cares! I’m never going to understand how Robbie E.’s gimmick of being a Jersey Shore knock-off gets over, but it turns me right off.

Jeff Hardy  vs.  Mr. Anderson

My Prediction: Jeff Hardy

Going Over: Mr. Anderson

-Solid match. The two did a great job. I just missed the story behind it. How Hardy can go from having an emotional set of matches based on a solid and emotional back story, to basically having very little of both. It lost me. I was surprised Anderson went over.

Eric Young (w/ODB)  vs. Crimson

My Prediction: Crimson

Going Over: Crimson

-Crimson continues to be billed as a powerhouse, and in terms of his looks, I believe it. Until he starts wrestling.

Austin Aries   vs.   Bubba Ray Dudley

My Prediction: Austin Aries

Going Over: Austin Aries

-I was lost on this one. For some reason, Abyss’s brother, Joe Parks, was involved. I’m not really sure exactly how. I don’t always watch TNA Impact so I miss a lot. If you were to ask me, I thought “Joe Parks” is/was Abyss. I also don’t really care that much. I like Aries style, but his persona is too much of a rip-off of WWE’s CM Punk. I’m not even sure if this was for Aries X-Division championship. At this point I wasn’t paying too close attention. Until……

AJ Styles  vs.  Kurt Angle

My Prediction: Kurt Angle

Going Over: Kurt Angle

-MATCH OF THE NIGHT FOR SURE!!!!! I am a fan of both Angle and Styles, so I immediately paid close attention to this match. It was back and forth, and had low spots and high spots and everything in between. This was what wrestling matches should be like. One thing I was lost on… AJ Styles and Dixie Carter? Wtf? I may need to look into that soon. OMG I totally forgot to set the DVR to record Impact tonight (it’s currently Thursday, just for interest, lol). Back this match. Loved it. It’s going to be a candidate for sure for my year ends!

-TNA Heavyweight Championship, Ladder Match: C) Robert Roode  vs.   Rob Van Damn

My Prediction: Rob Van Damn

Going Over: Robert Roode

-I’m so not into either of these guys. I find their styles too miss-matched. Rob Van Damn just looks like he’s slowed down a lot. However, both guys took some seriously sick looking bumps. But as far as ladder matches go, I’ve seen better.

Anyways, there ya go! TNA’s Sacrifice in a nutshell. Look, I’m in a nut shell and I can’t get out!  Yeeeeep! I promise never to do that again!

There is actually so much to cover this week, I’m not even sure where to begin, but since I just finished with last weeks TNA pay-per-view, I’ll follow that up with TNA news.

Starting Thursday May 31st, Impact will be live each week. Congratulations to the small, strange, promotion of TNA as this will probably help increase their viewer ship and it’s a big step for them. I’m surprised they waited this long as it’s been about ten years since they began. Maybe things will start to make sense because if you’re filming two weeks worth of shows, it’s clear their writers can’t remember the shit they wrote two weeks ago. I think that’s why everything about TNA confuses me. So hopefully going live each week will be beneficial for me as a fan and viewer and dare I say critic.

Why stop there, right? Well WWE is going to do one better (or worse)… Starting Monday July 23rd, the RAW Supershow will now be 3-hours…EVERY WEEK! July 23rd marks their 1000th episode so I understand why going three hours for THAT show, but I’m not sure if I can handle 3-hours of Laurinaitis every week. Hell I can’t even handle 3-minutes. Did I say THREEEEEE MINUTES?? Yeah I wish. I’d like to put his fucking face through a concrete slab.

I also think it’s safe to say that we are slowly seeing the demise of the roster split between RAW and SmackDown. Little by little, I’m seeing more talent being shuffled between both shows.  I for one, is fine with it being split up, but there are still some benefits to having two completely separate shows. Starting with, get rid of Laurinaitis.

Right now, my biggest beef with the WWE is John Laurinaitis. I’ve never liked him. Even before he started to have a physical presence on my television screen once a week (now twice a week). From the stories I’ve heard about him, he’s a giant douche rocket! Funny how that doesn’t change when he goes out on television. He’s still a giant douche rocket. YES I hate him, and that’s what they want, but I am literally contemplating never watching WWE again if he remains on there for much longer. I would rather suffer through the weekly uncertainty that is TNA Impact than sit through a Laurinaitis sighting. The man has no talent. He shouldn’t even be on television, and he sure as hell shouldn’t be in a match facing the company’s biggest star. I do believe this will be the second pay-per-view where I will actually be cheering for John Cena. But it’s not like he’s going to win. No way. They won’t fire Laurinaitis, because I’m not that lucky! He’ll win. He’ll win because of Brock Lesnar. Despite the fact Lesnar is still under contract, he isn’t a WWE superstar in the storylines, nope he “quit”,  so I’m banking on the fact that he’ll be back Sunday, and help Laurinaitis defeat Cena. Which means forever and ever we will have to hear about it. Yippee!!! (That was sarcasm folks!). The only way that this could work in Cena’s favour, is if The Big Show sneaks in to help Cena and get back at Laurinaitis. I know we haven’t seen the last of Big Show. And if we actually have then damn he left looking like a pussy. A real, big, and large, and tall drawn out pussy. OMG I’m stopping. Can’t help that my mind has been in the gutter lately (thanks Mat! lol!) Simply put….

Laurinaitis is a DICK!

I came across something super hilarious on Tumblr the other day. It had the differences between a WWE live apology from 11 years ago to what a WWE live apology is now. Have a look-see…


We all know that I’m a huge Tyson Kidd fan, and each week this Canadian dude always manages to amaze the fuck out of me. He’s just so talented that I can’t wait for his matches. He works hard, and he improves each time. Now, instead of using the Sharpshooter as his finisher, he’s readapted it and made his very own submission finisher, aptly called The Dungeon. And damn if it isn’t an excellent finisher. I think we should get this trending on Twitter (oh God I’m turning into TNA and WWE).   #WeWantTysonKiddAsIntercontinentalChampion! Don’t forget that bloody hash-tag. lol!!

And with that my darlings, I am out. I have a lot to do this weekend. Starting with a sleep over with my darling niece. We have some GLEE to get caught up on, that we both held off to watch so that we could watch it together. Then Emily & I will head out Saturday for an early birthday dinner with family, and then me and Mat will likely do something together… A MOVIE! We’ll WATCH a movie! Pervs! Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!


Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at Fatal4WayBlog@gmail.com

Check me out on Tumblr: http://wwebarragediva.tumblr.com/


OR, hit her up on Twitter: @F4WDiva


***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off!  But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***


What’s up, whack jobs?

Hey, I’m sorry for any of you who got queasy with all the vasectomy talk last week.  I just felt like I needed to share that with you guys. Not to gross you out, or make you uncomfortable.  I mean, come on! We’ve been doing this for how long now?  I thought nothing would be consider “too much information” by this point.

Anyway, I apologize.  If it’s any consolation, my balls are feeling much better now.  I don’t need to put ice on them anymore.

I know.  Too much “sharing”.  My bad!


I think it’s funny how big and bad they made Brock Lesnar out to be when he came back, but after Cena beat him at Extreme Rules, he disappears, apparently quits WWE altogether and then has Paul Heyman do all his talking for him.  He threatens to sue WWE for “breach of contract”.  What was this contract??  Was he supposed to win every match?  Was booking Cena to win at the PPV against what Brock Lesnar was promised?  If so, that’s pretty stupid.  So now, Heyman comes back last week and gets threatened by Triple H, which prompts Heyman to then sue Triple H for assault.  Who’s the bigger cry baby here?  Lesnar or Heyman?


Speaking of cry babies, that bit with Big Show and John Laurinaitis was REALLY uncomfortable to watch.  I’m not a rabid Big Show fan by any means, but as a human being, watching a grown man get broken down like that was hardly entertaining.  It was just hard to sit through.

I have to hand it to Laurinaitis.  He almost deserves an Oscar for how well (and with a straight face) he pulls off the role of the biggest asshole to ever grace a WWE ring.  He’s the most convincing douchebag I have ever seen, and I actually respect him for how well he nails his performance every single night.  Definitely the kind of character we all love to hate!

Much like John Cena, who came out at the end of the night and did what I can only describe as a half-assed Jim Carrey impression.  It was so freakishly ridiculous, you could even see Laurinaitis fighting off the urge to bust up laughing at Cena’s idiotic seizures on the mic. Apparently, Cena thought he was hysterical, but that’s what you get when you spend too much time in “PG Land”.  You start thinking baby talk makes for good promos.

I got news for ya, poster boy.  Even my 2 year-old son thinks your mic work is embarrassing!  It’s time to quit being such a fucking Muppet and stop insulting us with all the kiddie crap.  My little boy thinks “Wow Wow Wubbzy” is the greatest show on TV, but he couldn’t sit through one of Cena’s promos if his life depended on it.


So, I guess the secret is out on Damien Sandow.  He finally took his robe off this week to fight Yoshi Tatsu, and his ring attire makes him look like Rico’s pool boy.  Seriously!  What the fuck was he wearing? Pink trunks, purple knee pads and white boots??  There’s gotta be a fashion foul in there somewhere.  All I can remember about the experience was, once the robe came off, the only thought that went through my mind was, “Put it back on!  Put it back on!!”


It looks as thought this is really going to happen.  Next month, not only do I get to retire after 20 years in the US Air Force, but our very own Diva….the mistress of the Skirt Sheet herself, is going to come down from the Great White North and spend a week or so visiting yours truly!  Many good times to be had, and who knows?  We might even bust out a tag-team edition of the Video Boot Camp and slap that shit up on YouTube!

We’ll see about that…..


Hey, people.  This is gonna be all for me this week.  Kind of short, but I think I did rather well considering I really had nothing to go on when I started.

I’ll see you all back here next time, troops!  Until then….YOU’RE DISMISSED!!


Had enough yet?  You got something to say to me?  E-mail me at darkside619@hotmail.com and get it off your flabby little chest!  Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article.  Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!!   I’ll make you famous!  >:)

Until next time, this is The Sarge…..reminding you: A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

Follow The Sarge on Twitter: @The_Sarge_F4W

The Sarge’s YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/F4WBootCamp

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!): http://www.facebook.com/billandrews71


Breaking News Cruz OUT of UFC 148:


RAW Recap – Paul Heyman RETURNS:


SmackDown and OTL Thoughts:


Big Show Fired on RAW:



Over The Limit

-WWE Tag Team Championship: C)Kofi Kingston &    vs.    Jack Swagger &

   R-Truth     Dolph Ziggler

Sarge’s Prediction: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

Diva’s Prediction: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

The Game’s Prediction: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

Greg’s Prediction: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

-World Heavyweight Championship- Fatal 4-Way:

C) Sheamus    vs.  Randy Orton   vs.  Chris Jericho   vs.  Alberto Del Rio

Sarge’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

Diva’s Prediction: Sheamus

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Greg’s Prediction: Sheamus

-WWE Diva’s Championship: C) Layla  vs.  Beth Phoenix

Sarge’s Prediction:  Beth Phoenix

Diva’s Prediction: Beth Phoenix

The Game’s Prediction: Layla

Greg’s Prediction: Beth Phoenix via Disqualification thanks to Kharma

-WWE Championship: C) CM Punk    vs.   Daniel Bryan

Sarge’s Prediction: CM Punk

Diva’s Prediction: CM Punk

The Game’s Prediction: CM Punk

Greg’s Prediction: CM Punk

-If John Laurinaitis loses, he is fired. All WWE Superstars & Diva’s are banned from ringside, if any should come down to ring side, then they will be fired:

John Cena  vs.  John Laurinaitis

Sarge’s Prediction:Cena, when Big Show comes out and kills Laurinaitis.  He’s technically NOT a superstar anymore.  LOL

Diva’s Prediction: John Laurinaitis because of Brock Lesnar

The Game’s Prediction: John Laurinaitis

Greg’s Prediction: John Laurinaitis with help from  Big Show who turns heel

That’s it for this week, stay cool…Summer’s coming and quite frankly it’s likely to be a hot one!!!

“Going 3 hrs every Mon night was one (of many) of WCW’s mistakes. Let’s hope it doesn’t water down RAW like it did Nitro.”

-Gregory Helms via Twitter @ShaneHelmsCom

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