
Posts Tagged ‘Big Show’

Breaking News about one of Night of Champions Matches & More…

September 20, 2014 Leave a comment

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Welcome back faithful readers. Been a full month. Didn’t say it was full of good stuff, just…full. Lol! We have a lot to get to this month, so we should hop to that.

The Game

BREAKING NEWS: Roman Reigns Pulled from PPV and has Emergency Surgery:



***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA, the whiny fan boys of the IWC, or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***



Orale, amigos!

Alright, people. Here’s the deal. The “411”, if you will. I know I was absent last time we put one of these things out, and while I really don’t answer to anyone except the man upstairs, I feel I should at least let you all know what was up in my world. It’s my prerogative.

Let’s say there was some “family business” to tend to. Events involving someone in my extended family. It was in the national news, and even covered by Nancy Grace for about a week or so. Without going into details, it caused a shit ton of emotional distress to us (especially my wife), and we are still picking up the pieces. It may take a very long time before we have everything straightened out in our minds. On the weekend that this blog was due last month, my wife, our kids and I had plans to take some time away from home for a few days and “live our lives” away from all the people and social media and TV that would just keep reminding us of what we were trying to put behind us.

I’m sorry I bailed on you guys last time, but now you know, and can hopefully understand my reasons for being AWOL from this place we knows as Sarge’s Boot Camp.

Well, I am back and ready to get this thing rolling again. As always, I’ve got a few things to get off my chest, and I’m going to tell you right now….it’s not gonna be pretty! If I know my troops, you wouldn’t want it any other way. Let’s do this!

First of all, I say ENOUGH with all this “9.99” bullshit! I know WWE has made it a selling point of the WWE Network, but it has been used to the point of becoming incredibly annoying, and now it just feels like a running joke on every WWE program.

My difficulties with the WWE “Not-work” are well documented, so I will not go into all that again with you. I simply have to laugh a little bit at my predicament every time I see one of WWE’s ridiculously redundant ads for the Network. They ramble on as if everyone on Earth is able to use it, but ………


And, speaking of “bad news”, I have begun to wonder if there is such thing in WWE as a “main roster curse”. I mean, the way people do well and prosper on NXT, but fall flat and end up either being sent back to NXT or let go altogether. Case in point, Emma. She was wildly popular in NXT, then she was brought up to the main roster. Within a few months, she is busted for apparent petty theft from Walmart and she practically vanishes from RAW and SmackDown.

As I have stated before, I cannot use the WWE Network, so if you know of anything on NXT, Main Event or any other Network-only show, then forgive my ignorance! How the fuck was I supposed to know if I can’t watch everything the rest of us can?

There has been talk of both Adam Rose and Bo Dallas being either put on the back burner, or moved off TV for a while since Vince McMahon has lost interest in their characters. Back to NXT with ya! Well, maybe not for Bo Dallas. He seems to have stayed on TV while Adam Rose was off RAW and SmackDown for a few weeks and only came back recently, though his bunny friend appears to be getting a bigger push these days.

Hell, the furry freak even has a new movie coming out!


Okay, I’m joking about the movie. That was made years ago. Pulling your leg, people! I might be one the biggest assholes on planet Earth, but I still like to have fun, damn it!

Yes, I like to have fun. But, you know what isn’t fun? Sitting through this storyline with the Bella’s. It’s just painful, and I don’t mean in a “hurt feelings” kind of way. I swear once I heard they were bringing Jerry Springer for a segment between Nikki and Brie, I face-palmed so hard, I almost drove my nose up into my brain and killed myself!

Does everyone remember where Cameron came from? She was a contestant on the last season of Tough Enough, and she was eliminated on the very first episode. Being weeded out first is never a good sign. Up until the debut of the Funkadactyls, I thought I had seen the last of that “dead behind the eyes” waste of space. Nope! She actually managed to work for WWE after all, and even got a spot on the cast of “Total Divas”. People who say John Cena can’t wrestle must have never seen Cameron in the ring. She’d be great if all Divas matches consisted of screeching, hair pulling and rolling on the floor. Sadly, that’s only about 70% of most Divas matches these days, but what can you expect when most Divas are hired simply based on their looks and with high hopes that a glimmer of athletic ability might magically happen over time.

Ya know, if they really wanted to keep Ariane “Cameron” out of WWE for good, this is how Tough Enough should have played out. String her along every week until the finale, and then….have her WIN! The people who actually win these competitions are rarely ever heard from again, and it’s the runners-up and losers who seem to come back and have careers instead anyway. The winner of the last Tough Enough was “Silent Rage” Andy Leavine. I know! Andy who?? Where is he, and what has he done since winning Tough Enough?? As far as WWE is concerned, fuck-all! That’s what. Oh, he was released back in 2012. Funny. I didn’t even know he was there that long. All I ever heard he did was go down to FCW to train, and then get busted for Wellness Program violations.

His nickname was “Silent Rage”, but I’d say he was more on the “silent” side. Now, if we could just get Cameron to shut the fuck up as well……

Hiring Cameron may have been a shitty idea in hindsight for WWE, but do you know who is the absolute Queen of bad judgment??

Eva Marie!

As terrible as Cameron may be, Eva Marie is sometimes even worse. The things she says and does are, at times, absolutely cringe-worthy. If you watched RAW or “Total Divas”, you have seen several examples of this, like the time she was given the chance to play ring announcer and called Jinder Mahal “Ginger Mahal”.

They call Total Divas a “reality” show, but whenever Eva Marie (and/or Cameron) is on screen, I am usually left doing my best Miz impression, repeatedly saying “Really?”

However, last week’s episode took it all to a new level. Eva Marie and her husband-to-be were having a photo shoot to make their “save the date” announcements to let everyone know when their wedding was going to take place. Sounds all romantic and shit, eh? Here’s the problem. These pics looked like softcore porn. Eva Marie was in her bra and panties and her fiancé was naked from the waist up! Honestly, if I hadn’t seen the episode to know what this was about, I would have been like “Save the date? For what? Your amateur debut on RedTube?”. Seriously! What the Hell are they thinking? Eva Marie’s clown-haired noggin seems to be brimming over with shitty judgment, and the fact that her man went along with it means he is either whipped as all Hell, or he is Eva Marie’s intellectual equal….which is no good for anybody, if you ask me.

It’s no wonder Eva Marie’s family shat all over her “save the date” pictures when she showed them. Some of these pics seriously look like they should have a Brazzers logo on them.


Or, simply added to them to make them absolutely hilarious!

And, I think I will leave that right there. Tell ya what. I’ll go ahead and take off for now, but I will be right back here next time for more sick and twisted hijinx. You know you love it! You have to, or else you wouldn’t keep coming back here all the time. Now, get outta here, ya loonies!

Until next time…..YOU’RE DISMISSED!!

Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)

Until next time, this is The Sarge…..reminding you: Don’t drink and park – accidents cause people.

The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter: @The_Sarge_F4W

The Skirt Sheet

Wow! Another month gone by and things are changing so fast. My belly is getting firmer and well, I can no longer wear my jeans. Lol!! That is so hard for me to admit. I live in my jeans and they were loose before. Now, just painful. Dammit!!! Our Baby Beluga and I are actually doing perfectly. You have no idea how much of a relief that is when you were told that if you ever get pregnant, you’ll be high risk. I’m not. Things are spot on. No we have not found out the sex of our Beluga. It’ll be a surprise in February. But y’all came here to talk wrestling, not babies, so I’ll shut it and get to bidness.

What can I say about NXT?! OMG, I can’t say enough but have no idea where to start. Oh, lets just talk about the MAN GRAVITY FORGOT!!! Adrian Neville. I freakin’ love this guy. He’s built like a big guy but flies like a small guy. I have pushed this fella on as many people as I can, and my boyfriend is now a super Neville fan too. It didn’t take much except Mat watching the NXT Tag Team match between the NXT Take-Over fatal 4-way Championship match on RAW. He was just blown away. That match was great but they looked toned down. Doesn’t surprise since WWE was probably scared that these four fellas would show up their main event talent (John Cena, Randy Orton). Even toned down, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayne, Tyler Breeze and Tyson Kidd, still looked better than the WWE’s main roster…

What happened on RAW was nothing compared to the actual Fatal 4-Way match a few days later at NXT Take-Over. WOW! These guys went out there and were absolute magic. I can’t find the full match, but seriously, this is why I love wrestling. Fast, quick paced action with varying styles that never allow you to get bored. That won’t make you fall asleep.

Sadly, I can’t say the same about RAW or SmackDown. Lately those two shows feel inferior to NXT, although WWE doesn’t want you to think that. I was surprised that they actually showcased talent on both RAW and Main Event (The Ascension defeated Los Matadores).

Adrian Neville

Adrian Neville, is THE MAN!!

Must not discount the ladies. Bayley took on NXT Women’s Champion, Charlotte, in hopes of fulfilling her dreams but didn’t quite make it. Charlotte kept her challenger down in a hard fight. Both women went out there and totally kicked some serious ass. Congrats to both Bayley and Charlotte for representing the ladies. I love some of the diva’s on the main roster, but they do not hold a candle to the NXT women! I love Paige, I’m a huge fan of hers, but even she’s toned her aggression and ring work down after being called up to the main roster. My guess is, she needs to slow down so the others can keep up.

Congrats ladies!! (I still think Charlotte looks a bit like a dude, but otherwise damn good in the ring).

Bayley vs Charlotte

Total Diva’s is back, so I’m sure you all know how stoked I am. Again, John Cena has been coming off as a complete selfish dick. However he does actually redeem himself. The situation is this. Nikki Bella has always wanted to be a mother, but Brie was worried that she was giving up her dream for John, who doesn’t want children. Brie suggested to Nikki that she freeze her eggs just in case one day, she wants children and things didn’t work out with Cena. Nikki thought about it and decides to go through with it but chose to hide it from Cena. In episode 2, he finds her fertility needles and medication, thinking it was drugs (which he freaked out about, despite the fact he clearly takes shit), and she tells him what it’s for. He’s relieved, but only temporarily. Cena then tells Nikki over dinner that her freezing her eggs scared him. He sees that as her not planning on staying with him for the long term and he doesn’t want to picture his life without her. Long story short, he talks her out of freezing her eggs. Nikki tells Brie and Brie says she thinks she should still do it. Why should Nikki give up everything for a man who gives up nothing? I fully agree with that statement. So Nikki decides to go ahead with it and tells John. He’s not super thrilled but she tells him that she needs to pick 10 days to take off work for treatment and what she needs; she needs someone to take her to the appointments and home and look after her. Cena says he will be there for her and will be her chauffeur. He’s supporting her decision. Hence his redemption. I still think he’s a selfish prick but that shows he’s giving in a bit. I don’t know what his issues with children are, but he’s closing in on 40, he can’t wrestle forever. Being there for your child isn’t going to be a huge problem if that’s what he’s worried about. My guess is, and this is JUST MY GUESS, is he doesn’t really like children. If my child came to me and said, “mama, I want to meet John Cena.” This might be where I say, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Of course, if I’m raising my child right, that question will NEVER arise, as my child will hate Cena as much as I do. Lol!!

The show is just starting to heat up, but I already do not like Rosa Mendes. She grosses me out. I do not find her attractive or pretty or even remotely sexy. I find her gross. Big fake knockers, doesn’t mean you are sexy. It means you are desperate for attention and have low self-esteem. Before, Diva’s got them to help them look good in front of the cameras, but not many diva’s go for the implants now days. Big tits just aren’t in. It’s one thing to get implants to give you a bit of shape, but to go so big they look unnatural like Rosa (or Layla), is just wrong. Nikki’s got boobs going on, but hers actually suit her body type. There is such thing as too big, and it doesn’t just apply to women’s boobies. Just saying! Don’t even get me started on Cameron/Ariane. I never liked her and still don’t. As far as I’m concerned, fire her ass. Don’t put her in NXT, as the others will be forced to slow it down for pretty little selfish Cameron. Gag me!

Speaking of TV, my man Adam “Edge” Copeland, is killing it in season 5 of SYFY’s HAVEN, as Chief Dwight Hendrickson. I’m not going into to detail because some of my Canadian readers are waiting to see the season. But his intensity is absolutely growing as the troubled Chief of the Haven Police Department, and dealing with the leader of the Guard, Vince. Edge has come a long way in his acting and is probably one of the best wrestlers to enter the acting world. My Canadian boy making me proud, and giving me my Edge fix. Because truly, he is one guy from the wrestling business, I can’t seem to live without. I need my fix. Lol!!


Congrats Adam “Edge” Copeland on doing such an amazing job. Not only does Edge reek of AWESOMENESS but so does Dwight!

It might have become obvious that I’m avoiding the topic of RAW, SmackDown and the upcoming Pay-Per-View, Night of Champions. You would be right. I’m trying my best to stay positive (despite butchering Cena’s character and making fun of Rosa’s disgusting titties). I just don’t see anything really good to say. I’ll start with the Bella’s and the Diva’s Championship situation. I think the WWE needed to severely save the one segment on RAW by adding AJ Lee and Paige to the Bella feud. It got to the point that once Stephanie McMahon defeated Brie Bella at Summer Slam, and Nikki turned on her sister, they were lost. The predictability worked against them and people just weren’t interested. They jumped the shark with the whole “Daniel’s having an affair with his physical therapist” thing. Which, by the way, we’ve heard fuck all about since. I think they made a Katie Vick sized boo-boo. Before that, the feud had promise. The back and forth between Paige and AJ Lee has been a life saver for the Bella’s.

Roman Reigns and Randy Orton’s match at Summer Slam was a huge disappointment, so much so that they finished their feud on RAW. It wasn’t worth wrapping it up on a Pay-Per-View. However they did the same with Chris Jericho and Bray Wyatt, but they have been having great matches. That steel cage match on RAW a few weeks ago was amazing. Orton and Reigns were lacking that magic. They had a decent build up but no chemistry when it came down to mixing it up in the ring. Kind of sad really.

Digging this whole Miz has a stunt double thing. Seems like the WWE has found something for Damien Sandow to do. It’s still humiliating but it’s something steady. Too bad Sandow lost his footing after Cody Rhodes and him dissolved their tag team. Cody Rhodes, aka Stardust. I can’t understand a damn thing he or Goldust are saying. Which is the point, but those two are looking damn good in the ring. I would just hate for Cody to be stuck with the Stardust gimmick like Dustin has been stuck with Goldust.

John Cena buried The Undertaker two weeks ago on RAW, saying that Brock Lesnar beat the crap out of The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30 and ‘Taker hasn’t been seen since, but a week after his beating by Lesnar he was asking for a rematch. Way to make The Undertaker look like a giant pussy you fucking taint licker!!! God, that made me so damn mad!

Mark Henry vs. Rusev is just boring. Maybe it’s because I’m Canadian and I’m not used to have patriotism shoved down my throat but it’s so repetitive as multiple examples I could give over the course of decades, upon decades. Mark Henry bores me on a good day, but add Rusev and his Debra re-do, Lana, and I’m bored. Her promos are ALL THE SAME. Listen to her, it’s all the same but words are changed up a bit or rearranged to make her sound different. AND what the hell was having Mark Henry and Rusev as main event on RAW this week? I actually turned RAW off at that point.

Now I seriously can’t think of much else to speak out that you all would be interested in. I’ve been so busy with dealing with Kiska at Marineland and finding help for her and the just started season of the Taiji Dolphin Drive/Slaughter that wrestling is taking a bit of a backseat. Just one thing about these animals, remember they do have feelings and they have families like we do. Kiska has lost all of her babies, all of whom died before at age 4 except one who was 6. That’s not normal. And the various species of dolphins in Taiji between September to March (sometimes late February) are either stolen from their families to be imprisoned in aquariums or swim with dolphin programs, or they are brutally and inhumanely slaughtered in front of each other. I couldn’t imagine watching my mom or dad or brother being slaughtered with a spike being driven through their blow-hole. They have feelings just like we do. Sadness, depression, happiness, angst, anger, frustration, blissfulness, etc.. Think twice before buying a ticket to an aquarium or paying to swim with dolphins on vacation. I’m always available to answer questions and provide valuable and reputatable sources for this topic. Education is key to changing the way we look at captivity, not bullying. Some activist will use bullying.

Anyways, enough of that. Next month I will have my Hamilton Comicon report. The plan is to meet “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan for an autograph and picture, meet up with “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase to get my figure signed that my loving boyfriend tried so hard to get to me last year in Niagara Falls but missed me meeting DiBiase, and I’m going to meet Trish Stratus for the third time, and I’m also going to see if she is willing to help spread the word about Kiska. (Colleen already passed a long a package to Amy “Lita” Dumas for me and that went well. Just waiting to hear something from Lita.) We need one super strong voice to tweet or talk to his/her fans to help spread the word about Marineland, Kiska and the disgusting living conditions. Plus the baby is coming soon too. Seems like time is flying now and we are so behind on getting stuff ready. I got a stroller/car seat combo today, our first big purchase for our Baby Beluga.

Enjoy Night of Champions, if you can, and if you haven’t already, check out NXT. It airs every Thursday on the WWE Network, I am not saying for how much because I will shoot myself. I don’t have the network, I just download it. Trust me, NXT is totally worth it. Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!

Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at

Check me out on Tumblr:

OR, hit me up on Twitter: @F4WDiva

Gregs Have A Nice Day

Hey how is everyone this month? I hope everything is going well with you guys and gals. I am doing all right myself. I had some news earlier in the month that I wasn’t expecting and it caught me off guard. But now I’m looking at it as a chance to change some things in my life. So I’m looking forward to it. For the time being that’s all I’m going to say about it at this point. Anyway let’s get down to this wrestling blog shall we?!

Let’s talk about these past few RAWs. I’m going to be honest with you guys. It has been difficult to watch(apparently I’m not just the only one on here who agrees with that statement). I just really don’t care about The Bella Twins feuding with each other. WWE has given them way too much time and I know Brie is a nice girl and all that but she cannot act at all. Nikki I can’t stand her either. She’s a little bit better than her sister but not that much. I don’t like how they have put Nikki in this Diva’s title match. She doesn’t belong in it. It just brings down the title more(if that can happen). It just sucks. This whole storyline is just wasting our time. I’m not sure what they plan on doing but if they put the Diva’s Title on Nikki and have the sisters feud over it gah! Lol

Also if John Cena ends up winning the Championship again this Sunday, this will put a huge step backwards in WWE. They need Brock to win and keep the title. Keep it fresh make him hold the Championship till at least The Royal Rumble. Then maybe have him drop it to somebody. Brock deserves to hold the Championship for a while. I know he may not be on TV all the time but when he is there it makes it more exciting. I would also like to see other guys get a shot. Maybe give Sheamus a chance at Brock. That would be cool to see. Anything would be better to see than Cena holding the Championship.

I’m not sure why WWE turned Goldust & Stardust heel but I guess it makes sense since they are feuding with The Uso’s. I still do enjoy seeing G&S as a tag team. They do a good job. I’m not sure if they will end up getting the tag team Championships. I think Stardust is going to eventually turn on Goldust and they will wrestle each other. Yay a brother vs brother feud lol Just what we need to see again! I have to say The Uso’s are doing a great job as a tag team. I never really liked them much but they have improved and I don’t mind watching them.

On a more serious note I would like to say I’m glad Jake The Snake Roberts is recovering from double pneumonia. He was in a Las Vegas hospital for a week or so. It really didn’t look so good for him but he is out of the hospital now. He is still recovering in Vegas but will be going home when the doctors say he can travel again. I tell you this guy has gone through so much and still is. He is fighting cancer. I hope he beats this and continues to live his life on a positive note.

So I’m going to make a prediction. I believe Kurt Angle will be making a return to WWE. I say he will be back for the Royal Rumble. I know his deal with TNA is almost over and he recently hinted that he is looking for the best deal for him and his family. I have feeling he wants to finish his career in the WWE. I would like to see him come back. I always liked him and I think he can bring something to WWE. I know WWE doesn’t really need him but he could help out guys like The Miz, Ziggler and Sheamus. He is also pretty entertaining on the mic.

Another person who could end up back in WWE is Bully Ray. Yep the former Dudley Boy could be back. His deal with TNA is almost over. If he came to WWE he would be a great guy to take down Brock Lesnar. Just think of the hardcore matches those two could have?! I wouldn’t mind seeing that. But that’s just me.

But who knows for sure if either of them will actually return to WWE. But don’t forget we still have Sting. He still wants to face The Undertaker at WM.

Speaking about WM there is a weird rumour going around that the main event for WM is going to be Brock Lesnar VS Hulk Hogan for the WWE World Championship. Yeah that will sell lots of PPVs. Good thing you can get the WWE Network for $9.99! Or $11.99 a month if you live in Canada and have Rogers.

I caught a little bit of Haven the other night. I saw Edge on it. It is great to see him on TV. I didn’t watch all of it because I had no idea what was going on lol But if I have the time I may actually try watching it from the beginning.

Oh I really did enjoy the NXT match on RAW from last week. I thought those four guys put on a great match! Makes me want more and it also gives me hope the new superstars that will eventually be on the main roster soon. Maybe there is hope for WWE. If NXT stays strong like it has, WWE could once again make great can’t miss TV once again.

On that note I’m going to end this months blog! Have A Nice Day! 🙂

If you need to get a hold of me you can reach me on Twitter @blitz101 or e-mail at


Night Of Champions

-WWE Intercontinental Championship: C) Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz

Sarge’s Prediction: The Miz

Diva’s Prediction: The Miz

The Game’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

Mark Henry vs. Rusev

Sarge’s Prediction: Rusev

Diva’s Prediction: Rusev

The Game’s Prediction: Mark Henry

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Rusev

-WWE Tag Team Championship: C) The Uso’s vs. Goldust & Stardust

Sarge’s Prediction: Goldust & Stardust

Diva’s Prediction: Goldust & Stardust

The Game’s Prediction: Goldust & Stardust

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: The Uso’s

Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton

Sarge’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

Diva’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Randy Orton

-WWE United States Championship: C) Sheamus vs. Cesaro

Sarge’s Prediction: Cesaro

Diva’s Prediction: Cesaro

The Game’s Prediction: Cesaro

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Cesaro

-WWE Diva’s Championship; Triple Threat Match:

C) Paige vs. AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella

Sarge’s Prediction: Paige

Diva’s Prediction: Paige

The Game’s Prediction: AJ Lee

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Paige

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

Sarge’s Prediction: Roman Reigns

Diva’s Prediction: Seth Rollins

The Game’s Prediction: Seth Rollins

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Seth Rollins via DQ because of returning Dean Ambrose

-WWE World Heavyweight Championship: C) Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

Sarge’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

Diva’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

The Game’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

That’s it team for this month. See you for Hell in A Cell in October.

“Well I can’t believe this. I’m actually going to say something I never thought I would. I’m going to watch 2 hours of Hornswoggle.”

– Darren (a friend, regarding watching The Origins of Leprechaun)


WrestleMania 30 Predictions and More!

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Hey, we’re back just in time for WrestleMania 30, to regale you with our predictions. This time, they are either split right down the middle or straight out of left field. But that’s what makes us work. It’s a busy weekend, so we will start this party now!

Congratulations to the Class of 2014 WWE Hall of Fame Inductees (Do NOT put any pills or booze near Scott Hall, just saying.)

2014 WWE HOF


***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA, the whiny fan boys of the IWC, or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***


What’s up, Warriors?

At the risk of sounding like that annoying camel from the GEICO commercials…..

Guess what time it is! Guess…what…time…it…IS! That’s right. It’s Boot Camp time once again. Even better….it’s WRESTLEMANIA time.

However, I have something to vent about before we move on. As I think about WrestleMania, and how I had to miss it last year because of financial reasons after a recent 1600-mile relocation, I was practically guaranteed that I was going to be able to see the biggest show of the year this Sunday! I am working now. We are established and have no other plans on that night. It’s like all the stars and planets are aligned. Everything, that is, except for one thing…..watching it on the WWE Network.

I was all excited when I went to subscribe to the WWE Network and become one of the millions (and millions) of “cool kids” across the world. Signing up was easy enough, but that’s where the positive part ends for me. Later that night, when I had time to sit and check this whole thing out for the first time, I began to really doubt my enthusiasm. I was running it on my PS3. I logged into the WWE Network app, and got to the home page. I began to feel a little rush as I realized what had just opened up before me. Endless possibilities were at my fingertips! I went and made a selection, and it began to load. It showed the rating screen (as it does before every show), and then……I get a Fatal Error that advised me to restart the app. I did that, went back in and tried to open the show. Same shit! I tried to open a few other PPVs or shows, and it did the same thing every stinking time!! So, I tried to access it through my laptop instead. No “fatal error”, but it gave me a different error stating that “WWE Network content is not available at this location”. What the fuck does that even mean???? Unbelievable. Also, I sent an e-mail to the tech support people on Friday morning, and I still have not heard back.

Luckily, my wife has come to understand my concern, and has assured me I can still order WrestleMania through the regular PPV method, so I won’t end up missing it after all. It just sucks that the WWE Network isn’t being more user-friendly, and I have no clue at all how to make it work right.

WWE Network? More like WWE NOT-work!

Okay. Enough of the “Debby Downer” crap. What was I thinking? This is WrestleMania weekend. It’s time to pull the sticks out of our butts and have some damn FUN!

That said…’s time for another round of the funny, thought provoking and often unsettling things that run through my mind at no certain intervals throughout the day. In other words…….


**** As I have said before, I really like Emma. She’s a little silly and awkward, but that makes me rather lovable. What I do NOT “love” about Emma is not really her fault. I hate that she has been stuck with Santino. WWE really makes Santino into a huge dumbass, and it takes away from Emma’s quirky character by making her seem almost as terminally retarded. She’s better than that….by a long shot. She needs to be in more matches instead of nauseating vignettes that waste everyone’s time and insult us as wrestling fans and human beings of even marginal intelligence.

Yes, I still like Emma even though she has been dealt a crappy fate so far since being brought up from NXT. Not to mention, she’s Australian, but her accent isn’t thick enough. Let me tell ya, troops…that Australian (and even British) accent really does it for me. Love that shit! Now, am I saying I want to stick my diggery-doo in her “Down Under”?? Well, no. But, if any of you snickered a little bit at what I just said….you’re welcome!

**** I know WWE would never script this to happen, but how bad would it screw with the Undertaker’s streak if Brock Lesnar was to go ape shit and break the Deadman’s arm with the Kimura, causing the ref to call the match a “no contest”. This would result in a draw, and Taker’s streak would technically stay intact, but the record would show as 21-0-1.

**** I wish my son (or daughter) would get more into wrestling like I am. I know they are still too young to really understand it, but it would be nice to share that common interest. It would also move going to see WrestleMania in person up a lot higher on my bucket list!

**** I think I know the real reason why Erik Rowan wears that mask. He’s really Bobby Brady, and he is still pissed about having made a fool of himself on national television by losing that ice cream eating contest on the Kartoon King show! He just outgrew his donkey mask, and traded up to the sheep one.

(I really wish I could have found a pic of Bobby Brady with that donkey mask, but I seriously could not find one anywhere.)

**** The E! Network should make a spin-off of Total Divas with Ariane (Cameron) and Eva Marie called Total Dipshits.

Or, maybe take all the Divas who are married (or who will be soon) and create a new show called “Real Housewives of the WWE”. I’d watch that before any of the other housewives shows. The people in those shows are so repulsively fake, plastic and superficial. At least, with wrestlers, you already know it’s scripted and not exactly “real”.

**** Sorry, but even though people have told me not to look down on John Cena for the way he handled the talk with Nikki Bella about not wanting to ever get married or have kids, but he came off as a colossal jerk, and it still pisses me off when I think about it. He could have been a bit less douche about it. What a shame he is loved and admired by so many kids all over the world, but he doesn’t want to raise one of his very own. Kids look to their fathers like they are heroes in their lives. Why the Hell wouldn’t he want that kind of connection in his life? Guess if the kid doesn’t have cancer, or spending time with the kid wouldn’t get him more publicity, then Cena’s not into it.

**** Not sure if I have asked this in the past, but should I feel old because the Superstars and Divas I grew up watching as a teenager are now getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? It’s kind of like how you feel when you realize the songs you used to jam out to as a kid are now being played on the “oldies” station.

Anyway, people. I guess I should pinch this one off right here so we can all get on with our lives. I’m sure there is a lot more of this blog left to read through, and who am I to take up any more of your valuable time? I’m sure you have big preparations to get done for your big WrestleMania festivities. Or, maybe you just have to take a dump. Either way, keeping you here any longer would just be inconsiderate.

So, with that said…..YOU’RE DISMISSED!!


Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)

Until next time, this is The Sarge…..wondering: The best way to lie is to tell the truth . . . carefully edited truth.

The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter:@The_Sarge_F4WThe Game

UFC 171 Results– Hendricks vs. Lawler, Carlos Conduit Injured:

WrestleMania XXX This Sunday!! RAW Thoughts:

The Skirt Sheet

It’s WrestleMania weekend!! For anyone attending, you’ll have a fun but jammed pack weekend. For all of us who are not, hopefully there are some parties going down, or at least small get togethers. Since it’s a busy weekend, I’ll shut it and get to bidness.

This year searching for party theme proved to be a most difficult task. However, one night was talking to Bad News Greg on Skype and we came up with, “Mardi Gras”. Minus the gratuitous nudity. Lol! My guests will all have beads on, and whenever someone gets a prediction of a match correct, they can take one strand of beads from someone who didn’t get it right. Whoever has the most beads at the end of the night, wins the prize. I think it’ll be a fun night. Plus, my niece from Edmonton, who wrote for us a while back with her amazing essay on CM Punk, will be here. There is at least seven of us, including Bad News Greg and The Game (Steve-O). All we’re missing is Sarge. One day, we will get him here for Mania.

So one of my buddies, tweeted Batista and offered to take him shopping for pants that fit properly and weren’t “nut-huggers”, and I guess Batista didn’t like that so he blocked him. True story. I’m still fucking laughing about it.

I’m really enjoying the build-up to the Bray Wyatt versus John Cena match. Yes, I’m actually looking forward to a John Cena match. Hell has frozen over (and with the winter we’ve had, it’s entirely possible). When Cena showed up behind the Wyatt Family wearing the sheep mask, that was pretty fucking cool. I didn’t see that coming. Creative gold right there. The WWE has managed to make everything The Wyatt Family (mainly Bray Wyatt) say or do gold. Question is, how long until the WWE drops the ball? I suspect it could be as soon as WrestleMania, if Cena goes over cleanly. If that were to happen, then I think it would take a lot away from what the WWE has done with The Wyatt’s to build them into an in-ring-psychological beast. What the WWE should do, in order to get both over, is have Cena win via disqualification. Cena looks good, Bray and the Wyatt’s look good. It’s more emotional for the fans. It’s a hell of a better idea than if Bray gets pinned or submits to Cena. Either Bray needs to go over cleanly, or Cena wins with a DQ. If he wins cleanly…

Wyatt meme

I wasn’t going to use that picture and then go into this but too bad… Structure is not my friend right now.

If Brock Lesnar breaks The Undertaker’s streak, then I will throw all my living room furniture off my balcony of my 15th floor apartment. That is all.

I hope Daniel Bryan beats Triple H. I don’t see a valid reasoning (other than selfishness) for Triple H to go over, and then insert himself into the WWE World Championship match. (I fucking smell burnt toast, where the hell is it coming from?) Daniel Bryan winning would make the fans happy. Plus the emotional build up since SummerSlam would make his win more important. A star who is being demanded to be made, will in-fact be made. Everything that he has gone through since SummerSlam, would just make such a fairytale ending if he was to beat Triple H (in 8 seconds would be fucking funny, like how Sheamus defeated him a few years back), and then go on to beat Randy Orton and Batista. He’s ready to be a main event player. I think as fans, we have proven that we do not want Batista as Champion. Let Bryan go over and then have him do a program with Batista. Truth is, no one fucking cares about Batista. He’s so 2006! Take you ball-huggers and go home!

The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal is the Royal Rumble Re-Do, but with the prize, not being a main event match at the show of shows for the Championship, but a statue. I think it’s great that they want to keep the memory of Andre the Giant alive but really? Really? REALLY? There are three spots left. I’m hoping one goes to Wade Barrett, seeing as he got ousted at the actual Rumble for J-B-Fucking-L! I picked Barrett as the winner, even though he isn’t actually entered into the match, OFFICIALLY, yet. I have high hopes. Maybe too high, and I haven’t even smoked anything. I had a dream the other night, that CM Punk returned and won the Battle Royal. Yeah, I’m not sure why I’m dreaming of that match either. Thing is, the idea has been sitting in my head for about two weeks now. There are reports saying that talks are now quiet between Punk and the WWE. But that doesn’t mean that they haven’t come to some sort of agreement. Somethings you have to swerve in order to have a surprise. This could happen. It would lend a bit of credibility to the match. Obviously if Punk returns, I’m so ditching Barrett as my prediction and going with Punk. It would just be too easy. However, I really hope they don’t allow Big Show to go over. Having a giant go over in memorial battle royal honouring another giant, is just way to predictable.

Rumour had it that NXT tag team champions, The Ascension, were originally going to join Kane in the match against The Shield. Which was obviously scrapped and The “OLD” Age Outlaws were added instead. I was more excited for the possibility of new tag team blood, however I really got thinking about it and it would have screwed over The Ascension, if the plan was/is for The Shield to go over. It would take away from their characters and turn them into uncredible pussies. Them losing their first match at an event such as Mania, would kill their careers. Hopefully The Shield are slated to go over in the match because, like the Triple H/Daniel Bryan match, it makes no sense for the older ones to go over when they are already established. Allow the younger team to go over and gain more momentum while they are still freaking hot. OMG Roman Reigns, be still my we…err…beating heart. I’m cool with it all now. I believe in The Shield.

Is there a diva who deserves a push and the chance to become WWE Diva’s champion? In my opinion, yes. I’d like to say there are five, but Emma is still new and I’m not sure she’d be ready but in the ring she is one hell of a worker. She’ll get her chance, she’s still young. My answer is there are four; Tamina Snuka, Natalya, Naomi and Nikki Bella. Both Tamina and Natalya come from great wrestling lineage. They are powerful and technically sound workers. Naomi brings this charisma and energy, not only to the ring but to her technique. It’s well rounded and clean. A run with the championship would boost her confidence and elevate her further up the popularity ladder. Nikki Bella has really stepped into her own since getting her own identity away from Brie Bella. They are still on a team and still sharing the ring, but now they are identifiable. They aren’t mirror images of each other now, and it allows not just Nikki, but Brie as well, to show more of what they are capable of as individuals. Nikki has proven that she is a powerful woman in the ring. She’s working matches that stand out from her twin sister’s matches. She’s made herself noticeable. Their individual skill sets now stand out. Nikki is more polished. I do not want to take anything away from AJ Lee. She’s proven that she deserves to be champion. But if she has nothing to chase or fight for, then how long can she last in this business? There is a lot of talented young women (minus, Ric Flair’s daughter, “Charlotte” because she looks older than I am and she is apparently younger. Super fugley! Wooo!) She works hard at making herself look good as well as her opponent. She is evolving with every match and learning as she works. It’s like taking the best attributes of Lita, Trish Stratus and Victoria and rolling them into AJ. She’s got it, but she needs the chase. I would like to see her bring back the WWE Women’s Championship, and restore it’s legacy. For all of you have heard me talk about the legacy and the importance of the Women’s championship know that I don’t take it lightly. Many amazing ladies have held that belt, and some have ruined the legacy (Candice Michelle, Michelle McCool, Layla, to name a few). I think AJ Lee is the right one to bring it back and give it some CPR with making that legendary belt breathe again.

The Fatal 4-Way match should be an easy one to call. I do not see The Uso’s losing their tag team titles to Los Matadores (who are a complete joke and the only reason they are “popular” is because 12-year olds love midgets in Halloween costumes), The Real Americans (who are both talented but would be better off feuding with each other), and Ryback & Curtis Axel (fucking hate both these two ass-hats. I refuse to call them Rybaxel, as it’s just R-tarded. They are nothing but a make-shift-tossed-salad of no talent and no idea what to do with them type of a team, and I hate those types of teams). The Uso’s have a great win-loss record from January until now, and are the most consistent tag team in the WWE. I don’t see a reason for taking the titles off Jimmy and Jey Uso at this time.

I’m at the point, where I have talked about the entire event. There really doesn’t seem to be that many matches, however eight matches seem reasonable, with one being on the pre-show (the tag team championship fatal 4-way match). There should be no reason for any matches to get pulled from the show. The question is, will they add any that none of us are going to care about because they couldn’t build anything around them? I don’t like that Big E isn’t defending his Intercontinental championship, or that Dean Ambrose isn’t defending his United States Championship. This is the place that all titles should be on the line. This is an event that should have more honour than any other. I’m not exactly pumped for the event, but I’m trying to be. I’ve been a fan for 30 years, and this is one of my favourite times of the years, but the past two WrestleMania’s, just didn’t work for me. I thought they could do better. I hope they do better this time. I sometimes complain about what matches there are on the card, but I always hope that all the matches will be amazing and it would surpass my expectations.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I’m certainly going to try. Can’t wait for my friends to load into the apartment and turn it up a notch. It’ll be fannnnn-taaaahh-stick! See what I did there? Yeah, I promise not to do that again. Lol!!Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!

Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at

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OR, hit me up on Twitter: @F4WDiva

Gregs Have A Nice Day

Hey everyone, how are you doing this week? So I guess the big news is this is WrestleMania weekend! Does it feel like WrestleMania? Well I guess this year seems to be a lot better than last year’s built up. So are you guys excited?!

Let’s talk about Triple H vs Daniel Bryan first. This match is probably the match that will either make WM 30 great or not depending on the outcome of the match. If Bryan ends up going over in this match(which I am really hoping he will), a lot of fans will be very happy! I mean this is probably the only chance where WWE can make the WWE universe very happy. Daniel deserves the WWE Heavyweight Championship. I know I have said a lot about this and WWE better make sure Daniel goes over so he can be in the main event at WM 30. If Triple H goes over, WWE is probably going to end up regretting that decision. I can only imagine what the fans are going to do if that happens.

The main event is Batista vs Randy Orton vs the winner of Triple H and Daniel Bryan. Again depending on the outcome of the other match this match should be pretty good or really bad. I hope Bryan ends up in the match and wins the WWE Heavyweight Championship. I have to make a comment about Batista…why did he come back to WWE? I mean the guy is not cool at all. He may think he is but really he is such a joke. Did anyone see him the other week where his skinny jeans split? OMG that was just so bad and funny at the same time. I don’t think he is getting a lot of respect from the boys in the back since his return. I also think Triple H and Vince are regretting bringing him back. He hasn’t really brought anything to WWE since he came back. If they end up putting the title on him, well you can say good bye to a lot of fans!

One match that I’m looking forward to is The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar. I like how this match has been built so far! I really hope these two guys put on a really great match! Usually Undertaker’s matches at WM are really good. Of course who he is facing helps out a lot too. I don’t see The Undertaker losing this match to Brock. Brock is a pro and I know this could be an exciting thing to see.

Another match which I can’t wait to see is Bray Wyatt vs John Cena. I think The Wyatt Family as a group has been amazing. Also this passed Monday John Cena did something that was pretty cool! He snuck up behind the Wyatt’s in one of their outfits and caught them off guard. It was really cool to see. I don’t want to see Cena win this match because it would just end the feud. I want Bray to win this match. He deserves the win and if Cena loses this won’t hurt him at all. In fact it might make him stronger in the end. If these two guys can put on a decent match this could actually steal the show! Yep I’m calling it. This could be match that steals the show! What do you guys think?

The Royal….wait I mean the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal match will be pretty good. I can’t believe they are putting 30 guys in this match. Didn’t we just see this two months ago? Oh well maybe they are making it up for Batista winning the Rumble? LOL Who knows for sure. All I know is this match should be neat and I would like the winner of the match to be pushed into the main event status. Hey I can dream guys come on now! I’m picking Ziggler to win. Don’t be surprised if you see a certain former ECW/WWE/TNA star return in this match. I’m just saying! Also don’t expect Jericho to make a return. I don’t think he will be part of WM 30.

The Diva’s match I don’t really care too much about to be honest. So I hope it isn’t too painful to watch! It might be the washroom break or food break match.

The fatal tag team 4-Way match for the tag team championship is probably going to be okay. I’m going with The Uso’s in this match. Even though I’m a fan of Ceasero I don’t want him to win the belts with Jack Swagger. I think it is time for The Real Americans to break up. I’m surprise Hulk Hogan hasn’t really said anything about the Real Americans. Maybe in a future RAW?

Speaking about Hogan, he is the guest host of WrestleMania 30. I’m sure he will have lots of legends with him while he is hosting the show. It should be entertaining I’m sure!

Anyway that’s it for me for this month! I hope you enjoyed my blog and I hope you guys enjoy WrestleMania 30 on Sunday!! Have a nice day! 🙂

You can reach me on Twitter @blitz101 or you can e-mail me at I look forward to hearing from you!

WrestleMania 30 logo

Kick-Off show: -Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Championship:

C) The Uso’s vs. Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans vs. Curtis Axel & Ryback

Sarge’s Prediction: The Uso’s

Diva’s Prediction: The Uso’s

The Game’s Prediction: The Real Americans

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: The Uso’s

WrestleMania 30:

-Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Match:

(Names confirmed so far); Dolph Ziggler, Big E, Fandango, Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, Titus O’Neil, Christian, Sheamus, Big Show, Mark Henry, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, The Miz, Brodus Clay, Darren Young, Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio, R-Truth, Santino Marella, The Great Khali,

Zack Ryder, Sin Cara, Brad Maddox, +3 more names

Sarge’s Prediction: Aww Hell….might as well pull a name out of a hat, I’ll say Big Show

Diva’s Prediction: I’m winging it, Wade Barrett

The Game’s Prediction: Big Show

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

-Winner earns a spot in the WWE World Heavyweight Title Match:

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H

Sarge’s Prediction: Triple H

Diva’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

The Game’s Prediction: Triple H

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

The Shield vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws

Sarge’s Prediction: Kane & The New Age Outlaws

Diva’s Prediction: The Shield

The Game’s Prediction: The Shield

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: The Shield

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Sarge’s Prediction: John Cena

Diva’s Prediction: John Cena (by DQ)

The Game’s Prediction: Bray Wyatt

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Bray Wyatt

-Vickie Guerrero WWE Divas Championship Invitational Match

Names confirmed for the match:

C) AJ Lee vs. Naomi vs. Emma vs. Nikki Bella vs. Brie Bella vs. Aksana vs. Eva Marie vs. Tamina Snuka vs. Summer Rae vs. Natalya vs. Rosa Mendes vs. Alicia Fox vs. Layla vs.


Sarge’s Prediction: Tamina

Diva’s Prediction: Nikki Bella

The Game’s Prediction (Yes We Know, you don’t care, lol): AJ Lee & not caring

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Summer Rae

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

Sarge’s Prediction: Undertaker

Diva’s Prediction: The Undertaker (or I rip apart my apartment and toss it off my balcony– I live on the 15th floor)

The Game’s Prediction: The Undertaker

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: The Undertaker

-WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Triple Threat Match:

C) Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Winner of Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan

Sarge’s Prediction: Batista

Diva’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan (with help from CM Punk, I hope)

The Game’s Prediction: Triple H

Bad News Greg’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

That’s it for this months Fatal 4-Way, see you for the next Pay-Per-View, Extreme Rules on May 4th. Have a fun but safe WrestleMania Weekend.

Welcome to, WrestleMania!!!”

-Vince McMahon

First F4W of 2014 complete with Our Royal Rumble Predictions

January 25, 2014 Leave a comment

In Memory of

Johnnie Mae Young

March 12, 1923-January 14, 2014

00 f4w2012banner

Welcome back! Sucks that we have to start off the first Fatal 4-Way with an “In Memory” but it is well deserved. Just last week we lost a great woman who did a lot for the future of women’s wrestling. A career that spanned eight decades. She is a fighter, and she fought right til the end. Thank-You Mae from Diva, Sarge, The Game and Greg, and ALL Your fans! We will miss you!

RIP Mae Young

The Game

Anderson Silva Suffers Injury at UFC 168:

RAW 1/13/2014- D Bryan Is Back To His Old Self, Ultimate Warrior 1st Inductee to the WWE Hall Of Fame:

Royal Rumble thoughts,Batista Returns,Chris Leben Retires and more:


***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA, the bleating sheep of the IWC, or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***




Happy New Year, heroes!


That’s right. It’s Boot Camp time once again, but this is the first-ever edition of Sarge’s Boot Camp in 2014! Congrats on surviving another year in this God forsaken hell-hole. Stick with me, troops. The Sarge will get you through this!


A lot has happened since our last meeting. So much, in fact, that I am going to move quickly from one topic to the next so as to not :


1) bore you to death, and


2) make this article so big, it single-handedly chokes the Internet into submission.


Weighing most heavily on my mind is the recent passing of Mae Young. She is one of the true icons of women’s wrestling, and will be missed more than many of us realize. I am just glad she was able to experience the honor of induction into the WWE Hall of Fame before she passed away.


God needed a Women’s Champion, so He called Mae up to the “big ring in the sky”. We here at the Fatal 4-Way are all saddened by the death of Mae Young, and I am sure we will all pay her tribute in our own way.



I am going on the record right now to say that WWE dropped the ball with the “Daniel Wyatt” storyline. They could have easily built this up all the way to WrestleMania, but what did they do? 2 weeks later…..DONE, and Daniel Bryan is back being “himself” feuding with the Wyatt family yet again.


Was it because there were so many snide comments on social media about how Bryan’s outfit made him look like a janitorial pedophile? Did they get tired of the comparisons to Duke “The Dumpster” Droese?? Who knows, but whatever the reason, WWE Creative did a complete 180 in 2 weeks time and the whole “Daniel Wyatt” angle was over before it began to make any real sense.


Which, where WWE Creative is concerned…makes perfect sense!



It’s about fucking time they finally unified the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. Having two separate top champions in the same company has always seemed redundant and downright retarded to me. I am glad they unified it, but I am now left wondering “What the fuck??” because they still represent it with two separate belts. That’s back to being as redundant and stupid as having two champions. It’s like they tested out the idea, and thought it was good, but they didn’t completely think it through.


And, what’s with calling it the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? As I recall, there was a call to arms sent out to the WWE Universe as a means of letting the fans come up with the name of the newly crowned champion after the Unification match. The results from that poll were shown during RAW, and the name was determined (by all us fans, whose input means soooooooo much) as the “Unified Champion”. So why, since that poll was revealed, has there been NO mention whatsoever of that “Unified Champion” title?


Thanks, WWE for making us all feel special for a minute, then completely sweeping anything we may have said under the carpet and ignoring that it ever happened.



Ryback’s recent outbursts of douchebaggery on Twitter are just solid proof that he is as much of a dick in real life as he is on TV. Also, the saying about a “million dollar body and a 5-cent brain” comes to mind. I’ve heard of people acting stupid on the Internet before, but some people practically make it an art form!



It makes me laugh a little when the commentators talk about members of The Shield as “the tactician”, or “the enigma” or “the muscle”. They make them sound like members of a boy band. Who is “the cute one”, or “the shy one”, then? ROFLMAO



Hey, Batista’s back!




Guess we’ll have to see where they go with this.



Sorry if I sound like a little geek boy here, but I am thrilled beyond words about the news that The Ultimate Warrior is (finally) being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year!! I was a fan of his even before his time in WWE, when he was known as the Dingo Warrior. I guess what drew me in was the weird name, but the guy in general had a unique look and way of doing things. Fast forward a few years later to his debut in the WWF, and I was a Warrior fan from day one……and beyond.


With Warrior being well known for his bizarre way of speaking, I am going to paying very close attention when he comes out to accept his induction and listen to every word he says. Will he be his same bat shit crazy self, or will be come off as a well-spoken individual? I think a lot of people are going to be let down if he doesn’t come out and at least give them a good old Warrior snarl for good measure.


The Ultimate Warrior was a huge part of why it was fun to be a wrestling fan back in the day, and why I am still a fan today. When you enjoy something for so long, it becomes a part of who you are.



What also became a part of me because I have been having such a great time with it for so long? Bringing this blog to all our wonderful readers! That’s what. Happy 2014, troops!! This is only just the beginning. There’s a lot more where this came from. Just hang tight. We’ll all get there eventually!


Until next time, troops…..YOU’RE DISMISSED!!




Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)


Until next time, this is The Sarge…..reminding you: A shut mouth gathers no foot!


The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter:@The_Sarge_F4W

Gregs Have A Nice Day

Hey everyone, how are you doing this month? It seems as though it has been a long time since I did a blog. Well it has actually! It was in November(if you don’t count the year-end blog). Some things have happened in the world of professional wrestling. Let’s get to it shall we?


First off we had a big return in the new year. Well if you like Batista it was a big return. But for the majority of us, it was pretty much a let down. I honestly could careless about a Batista return. He doesn’t really bring anything to the WWE. I was happy that he left when he did. The one thing I hate about his return he will probably end up getting a Championship match against Randy Orton. I don’t think it is fair because Randy shouldn’t be the champion anyway! Daniel Bryan should be the champion but I have already written about that and still nothing has happen. If anything it has gotten worse for Bryan(will discuss later). But like I said if Batista ends up winning the Rumble(which btw he is my pick to win) it will suck so bad to see him face Orton at WM 30(that’s if Orton beats Cena at the Rumble and Lesnar at the Feb PPV).


Speaking about Lesnar, I am actually enjoying his feud with Big Show. Those two guys have been doing some cool stuff together. I’m curious how their match is going to be at the Rumble. I know when I’m watching the Rumble over at Diva’s place this Sunday I may be the only person who might enjoy the match! LOL But I am a fan of Lesnar because he is such a big goof you just have to root for him! Lol Big Show has been hilarious also! Lol Him throwing Lesnar across the ring was pretty cool. I don’t expect Big Show to win, so we shall see how this match goes. Also a few weeks ago on RAW Lesnar announce that he will face the winner between Orton and Cena at the next PPV. So we have that to look forward to.


Of course one of the biggest news of the new year was the announcement of the WWE Network. It will be online and it will cost $9.99 US a month. You get a lot of stuff. You get every PPV, all of the shows, plus new shows that will air on the network, plus achieve of WWE, WCW, ECW, Stampede, and other libraries that WWE owns. Plus every PPV that has ever aired for WWE, WCW and ECW!! Can you say that’s a lot of wrestling! Too bad for now it will only be available to Americans. But it will be available for everyone else later this year. I may consider trying this when it comes available to us. I think it could be worth it. Just alone on the PPVs you can get every month. Anyway I wonder if you guys are going to get it?


So did anyone watch Old School RAW a few weeks ago? If you didn’t you missed a pretty decent show! One of my favourite wrestlers(no not Bret Hart) made his return! It was Jake The Snake Roberts! If you have been following Jake’s story for the last two decades you know this return to the WWE was a big step for the recovery of Jake. He has been sober for a long time now and he is in the best shape of his life right now. It is amazing to see how he has changed so much in the last 18 months. I’m really glad DDP has helped Jake with demons. I’m also glad Jake has been able to live his life again on a positive note. Now only if we can get Jake in the Rumble and possible induction into the WWE HOF this year then we will be set.


So it looks as though Hogan is back with WWE. He hasn’t returned on TV yet but I think it could be soon as this Sunday’s Royal Rumble. But I have a feeling they may keep him off the PPV and have him return on RAW. It would be make more sense. The rumoured match for WM 30 for Hogan is him against Piper. To celebrate their first match at the first ever WrestleMania. I don’t know if that will work. I almost think they might need someone else to help their match. I don’t know for sure how this is going to be great, but we shall see! I kinda want to see Hogan at WM but not in a match.


The first inductee of the Class of 2014 WWE HOF is The Ultimate Warrior. I believe he should be in it. I’m not sure who is going to induct him but I heard Hogan will be the person. That should be pretty funny! Of course everyone was joking around on RAW last week about what will Warrior say. God only knows! One thing for sure. It will probably not make any sense and it will be long! LOL Good thing the HOF gets edited on TV! I’m not sure who else will get inducted with Warrior but I know Macho Man won’t be part of it this year…


We lost Mae Young. She was one of best Divas in the WWE. She passed away earlier this month. It was such a big loss in the wrestling community. RIP


On that note I’m going to end my blog! I will see you next month! If you want to reach me, tweet me @blitz101 or e-mail me at gl.club17@gmail.comor check out my tumblr HTTP://glclub.tumblr.comHave a Nice Day!

The Skirt Sheet

Welcome back to another fantastic start to a new year. With that comes the first Fatal 4-Way of 2014. There’s a lot to get to because 2014 started out with a super busy January in the wrestling world. So it’s time to shut it, and get to bidness…


Personally; My family rescued and adopted a 6-year old female basset hound named Delilah in December. She has helped heal the heartbreak my family suffered when we lost Libby back in May. Delilah was used to repeatedly being bred at a puppy mill. She was being bred before the normal age for breeding. When the mills are done with the breeding dogs, they don’t care what happens to them, they just let them out loose and whatever happens to them, they don’t care. Delilah was found wondering road side in the country. These dogs live in deplorable conditions and are kept on cold concrete floors, surrounded by wire cages and rarely see the outside. Delilah’s past makes her extra special to us, and to make sure that her future is full of love, pampering and the care she deserves, which is the best…. Meet Delilah!

34 Delilah

Back to bidness… I don’t even know where to begin.


I didn’t see Randy Orton winning both championships at the TLC pay-per-view. Maybe John Cena has run his course. Doubtful. I think the WWE realized how predictable it would be to have Cena go over and win both titles. I’m not complaining that Orton is champion. I would rather it be him than Cena. Enough said on this matter.


Old school RAW turned out to be pretty awesome despite the usual predictability of the usual superstars they get for this edition of RAW every year. Guys like Ron Simmons, IRS, “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase, “Mean” Gene Oakerlund, The New Age Outlaws and The Godfather, to name a few. Ric Flair, Roddy Piper and Too Cool were a nice switch up. However it was one person, who I have hoped to see back in the WWE, surprised me. Growing up, I watched him wrestle, listen to his promos, and as I got older, learned about his sad and troublesome life this man had. It still baffles me (in a good way), that he is still alive. He is truly a fighter and a survivor. Even though I was lucky enough to meet him in December, seeing him on RAW, and hearing the roar of the fans, when his music hit, brought tears to my eyes…


Jake “The Snake” Roberts!! I was so lucky to have met Jake The Snake with Greg back in December. I can’t believe I actually thought that maybe I shouldn’t go. Money was tight, with it being Christmas and all, but I am glad that I did. He had a great turn out of fans from all ages. He was kind, happy, and cracking jokes. He was complimentary, and made meeting him a wonderful experience. Sometimes when you meet people you’ve looked up to for many years, can go a different way. Not with Jake. He looked good and seeing him made me so happy.

best 1

Back to old school RAW… Instead of the same old guys, lets say that The Godfather comes out as Papa Shango instead. I’m pretty sure that would get a huge pop. Not to mention, no one would see that coming. I really should be working for the WWE.


I want oatmeal. Oh wait, nevermind that wasn’t suppose to be in there. Damn random thoughts and my laziness to use the backspace button.


Glad to see that Batista’s return this past Monday on RAW was a flop. Could it have something to do with the fact he was wearing black jeans? Which I find trashy, and repulsive, and something lesbian truckers wear. Or was it because they were black SKINNY jeans? Skinny jeans do not belong on straight men. Just sayin’. I’m not the only one who had issues with Batista’s pants. Vince McMahon was apparently not happy with Batista’s choice in lower-wear. Lower-wear?? Pants, he wasn’t happy with Batista’s pants. Not sure why but speculations are going around it’s because it made Batista look small. I don’t think they were that tight, I saw no nut sack or penis outline. Then again…. Anyways. Hey with Melina gone, I wonder who Batista will fuck backstage? Batista likes to dip his stick in the engines belonging to other men, and since he seems to be into brunettes, I’ve compiled a list of possibilities. Will he steal CM Punk’s girlfriend of the month, AJ Lee, or John Cena’s beard Nikki Bella, or Daniel Bryan’s fiancé Brie Bella? Or maybe he wants one of the guys. He wouldn’t have any problems getting Cena according to some of my gay friends who swear up and down that Cena is so deep in the closet he’s finding Christmas presents. I’m off topic…oh fuck it!


The Royal Rumble is this Sunday. It is probably one of my favourite pay-per-views ever. I have one complaint: I wish the WWE would stop telling us who will be in the Rumble. It’s OK to know maybe five or six, but not 25 out of 30 participants. It takes away any possibilities of surprises. OK I have one more complaint, but it doesn’t apply to every Rumble. I HATE it when the Rumble is NOT the main event. It’s what the entire show is built around and it should always be the main event. The final match of the night. ALWAYS!!!


Watching RAW two weeks ago when Randy Orton lost to Kofi Kingston (did NOT see that coming, btw), and then freaked out on John Cena’s father. I noticed when Cena was attending to dear old dad, that Super Mario took the night off from rescuing Princess Peach. I wonder what Luigi was doing? Probably banging the crap out of Princess Peach. Cheating bastard, poor Daisy.

Hey Mario_Wheres Luigi

Yes I know I’m fucked up.


For a week, fans kept vigil for a true legend of the squared circle and Hall of Famer, Mae Young. After being taken off of life support, Mae hung on for 6 more days whiled multiple reports of her death surfaced all over social media every single day. It was even laughable when someone said that it was true because TMZ reported it. TMZ has never been a reliable source unless they have their story on camera from the actual source. Point proven because Mae was alive at the time. As I expected, Mae being the tough cookie that she’s always been, she hung on for as long as she could. On January 14th, 2014, Mae joined her best friend, The Fabulous Moolah up in wrestling heaven. Mae Young’s 8-decade career has touched many generations. She’s a blessing, and an inspiration. A pioneer for women in wrestling. She made us smile, laugh, cringe, and say “holy shit” on so many occasions.

Mae Young

Thank-You Mae!!

Before I go, I have one thing to say. WWE’s Be A STAR campaign could do some good up here in Canada. Recently, a long time friend of mines 7-year old daughter, was bullied at a Grimsby elementary school. My friend’s daughter is of mixed race. The Gucci of babies as far as I’m concerned. The best of both worlds, and a 7-year old boy in her class called her the “N” word. Now I ask you, why does a child in grade 2 even know that word and it’s meaning? Because he clearly knew what that word meant, as he used it. What kind of parents are you to be using or teaching your child such hateful words? This is why I fully believe that to become a parent, you should take a fucking test. If you fail, then you get sterilized. It’s fucking ignorance at it’s finest. I would love to see Canada take a more active role in the anti-bullying agenda. Get the WWE and their Be A S.T.A.R. alliance up here and make it mandatory for students AND THEIR PARENTS to attend the rallies and educate themselves about bullying. Your 7-year old saying the “N” word, is just plain bad parenting. That word isn’t used in most people’s vocabulary when teaching children words and meanings. It’s disgusting, irresponsible and demeaning and disrespectful of any parent to teach their child those words, or use those words around their children. I went to this school that my friends daughter is currently going to school, and it was different back in the day. A 7-year old girl went home in tears. That’s unacceptable for any child to go through. I’m not a parent yet, but I am an aunt of three teenagers. One of whom experienced some bullying and I really care about this issue. Too many young teenagers have either been killed or have killed themselves because of bullying. It needs to end. I would love to be a mom one day, but I often wonder if it’s worth it. To bring a child into this world the way it is now, is risky. You send them off to school, which used to be a safe place for them to go to learn, now you wonder if they are going to come home at 3:30. I’m scared to become a parent. I’m scared of that potential heartache that could happen. You do your best to protect your child, while educating them on the right and wrongs of the world and society, but that doesn’t stop other inept parents fucking up their children. Bullying is wrong and it’s as much the parents fault as it is the child’s. There is no reason for bullying. If you’re a bully, then you’re a coward.

On that note, enjoy the Royal Rumble my peeps. Happy 2014! Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!


Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at

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Royal Rumble


-WWE Tag Team Championship: C) Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. New Age Outlaws

Sarge’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Diva’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

The Game’s Prediction: New Age Outlaws

Greg’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust


Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

Sarge’s Prediction: Bray Wyatt

Diva’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

The Game’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

Greg’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan by DQ

Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar

Sarge’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

Diva’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

The Game’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

Greg’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

-WWE World Heavyweight Championship: C)Randy Orton vs. John Cena

Sarge’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Diva’s Prediction: Randy Orton

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Greg’s Prediction: Randy Orton

-The Royal Rumble:

Sarge’s Prediction: CM Punk

Diva’s Prediction: Batista

The Game’s Prediction: Batista

Greg’s Prediction: Batista

That’s it for us this month. We will see you in February for the Elimination Chamber ppv. Meet you all back here next month. Ciao!

I believe in justice, but right now, I believe in just us!”

-Roman Reigns in the Royal Rumble Valentine’s day theme commercial

Best & Worst of 2013; WWE TLC ppv Predictions!

December 14, 2013 Leave a comment

00 f4w2012banner

With the Holidays season here already, in a Flash, I’m sure the last thing you want to do is read a bunch of jibberish. That is why we have no jibberish for you today. Instead, it’s the BEST and WORST of 2013, and our WWE Table, Ladders & Chairs ppv Predictions for you. Enjoy!!

The Game


2013 End Of The Year


 1) Worst Mic Skills:

1- Kofi Kingston

2- Big Show

3- Sin Cara

4- Jack Swagger


The Winner of the Worst Mic Skills Goes To: Kofi Kingston

2) Best Mic Skills:

1- CM Punk

2- AJ Lee

3- Wade Barrett

4- Zeb Colter

5- Miz

The Winner of the Best Mic Skills Goes To: CM Punk

3) Worst Appearance In A Movie or Television Show:

1- Miz

2- Brodus Clay

3- Ric Flair

4- Roddy Piper

5- Total Divas

The Winner of the Worst Appearance In A Movie or Television Show Goes To: Total Divas

4) Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Show:

1- David Otunga

2- The Rock

3- Randy Orton

4- Wade Barrett

5- Justin Gabriel

The Winner of the Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Sow Goes To: The Rock

5) Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013? (Basically who got the shittiest treatment/deal in Wrestling in 2013):

1- Drew McIntyre

2- Heath Slater

3- Dolph Ziggler

4- RVD

5- Kaitlyn

The Winner of Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013 Goes To: Dolph Ziggler

6) OMG Moment Of The Year:

1- Kane joins The Authority

2- Daniel Bryan wins against Cena but gets Pedigreed

3- Shield takes out Undertaker

4- Wyatt Family debuts

5- Brock Lesnar Returns

The Winner of the OMG Moment Of The Year Goes To: Brock Lesnar Returns

7) Worst Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- Battleground

2- Hell in a Cell

3- Payback

4- Elimination Chamber

5- Extreme Rules

The Winner for the Worst Pay-Per-View of 2013 Goes To: Extreme Rules

8) Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- WrestleMania 29

2- Money in the Bank

3- Survivor Series

4- SummerSlam

5- Royal Rumble

The Winner of the Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013 Goes To: Rumble

9) Worst Wrestling Merchandise of 2013:

1- Kofi Kingston –,default,sc.html

2- Ryback –,default,sc.html

3- John Cena –,default,sc.html

4- Sheamus –,default,sc.html

5- Miz –,default,sc.html

The Winner of the Worst Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: Ryback

10) Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013:

1- Wyatt Family –,default,sc.html

2-Shield –,default,sc.html

3- Fandango –,default,sc.html

4- Dolph Ziggler –,default,sc.html

5- Triple H –,default,sc.html

The Winner of the Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: Wyatt Family

11) Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer:

1- Josh Matthews

2- Scott Stanford

3- Tony Chimel

4- Miz

5- Alex Riley

The Winner of the Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Goes To: Alex Riley

12) Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year:

1- JBL

2- Jerry Lawler

3- Renee Young

4- Micheal Cole

5- Justin Roberts

The Winner of Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year Goes To: JBL

13) Worst Tag Team of 2013:

1- Truth and Xavier

2- Tons of Funk

3- Los Matadores

4- Rybackxel

5- Usos

The Winner of the Worst Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: Tons of Funk

14) Best Tag Team of 2013:

1- Real Americans

2- Harper and Rowan

3- Shield

4- PTP

5- Cody Rhodes and Goldust

The Winner of The Best Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: Shield

15) Worst Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- Natalya

2- Nikki Bella

3- Eva Marie

4- Jo Jo

5- Cameron

The Winner of the Worst Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Eva Marie

16) Best Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- AJ Lee

2- Kaitlyn

3- Paige

4- Emma

5- Summer Rae

The Winner of the Best Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Paige

17) Worst Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- John Cena

2- Miz

3- Santino

4- Great Khali

5- Brodus Clay

The Winner of the Worst Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Khali

18) Best Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- Chris Jericho

2- Roman Reigns

3- Fandango

4- Big E Langston

5- Damian Sandow

The Winner of the Best Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Damian Sandow

19) Best Promo of 2013:

1- Paul Heyman

2- CM Punk

3- Triple H

4- The Rock

5- John Cena

The Winner of Best Promo of 2013 Goes To: CM Punk

20) Best Match of 2013:

1- CM Punk vs Undertaker

2- Rock vs Cena

3- Daniel Bryan vs Cena

4- Goldust and Cody vs Shield

5- Ambrose vs Kofi

The Winner of Best Match of 2013 Goes To: CM Punk vs Undertaker


2013 End Of The Year


1) Worst Mic Skills:

1- Mark Henry

2- Brock Lesnar

3- The Great Khali

4- Eva Marie

5- Ryback

The Winner of the Worst Mic Skills Goes To: The Great Khali

2) Best Mic Skills:

1- CM Punk

2- Bray Wyatt

3- Paul Heyman

4- The Rock

5- John Cena

The Winner of the Best Mic Skills Goes To: CM Punk

3) Worst Appearance In A Movie or Television Show :

1- Brodus Clay (No One Lives)

2- Wade Barrett (Dead Man Down)

3- Eva Marie (Total Divas)

4- Stone Cold Steve Austin (Grown-Ups 2)

5- Cameron (Total Divas)

The Winner of the Worst Appearance In A Movie or Television Show Goes To: Eva Marie

4) Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Show:

1- Natalya (Total Divas)

2- Edge (Haven)

3- The Rock (GI JOE: Retaliation)

4- Stone Cold Steve Austin (host of Redneck Island)

5- David Otunga (The Call)

The Winner of the Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Show Goes To: Edge

5) Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013? (Basically who got the shittiest treatment/deal in Wrestling in 2013):

1- Daniel Bryan

2- Big Show

3- Dolph Ziggler (what push??)

4- Kaitlyn

5- Tamina (demoted to bodyguard)

The Winner of Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013 Goes To: Big Show

6) OMG Moment Of The Year:

1- Randy Orton cashes in MITB/Triple H screws Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam

2- HBK double-crosses Daniel Bryan

3- WWE & World Heavyweight title unification

4- CM Punk’s beat down on Paul Heyman

5- Hulk Hogan quits and walks away from TNA

The Winner of the OMG Moment Of The Year Goes To: WWE & World Heavyweight title unification

7) Worst Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- Extreme Rules

2- Survivor Series

3- No Way Out

4- Any TNA “free per view”

5- Night of Champions

The Winner for the Worst Pay-Per-View of 2013 Goes To: TNA “free per views”

8) Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- SummerSlam

2- TLC

3- WrestleMania

4- Royal Rumble

5- TNA Bound For Glory (Hole)

The Winner of the Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013 Goes To: WrestleMania

9) Worst Wrestling Merchandice of 2013:

1- Fake Daniel Bryan beard (just creepy)

2- Santino Cobra sock puppet

3- Any Hornswoggle merchandise

4- Daniel Bryan “Flying Goat” t-shirt (just seems very odd)

5- The sheer over-abundance of pink shirts and clothes to support Breast Cancer Awareness (not because I’m an asshole. It’s simply too much!)

The Winner of the Worst Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: Santino Cobra sock puppet

10) Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013:

1- Wyatt Family sheep mask

2- WWE 2K14 video game

3- WWE Brawlin’ Buddies

4- CM Punk “Best Since Day One” hoodie

5- Mark Henry “That’s What I Do-Do” onesie (hilarious!)

The Winner of the Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: WWE 2K14

11) Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer:

1- Renee Young

2- Eva Marie (as guest ring announcer)

3- Tony Chimel

4- Taz

5- Mike Tenay

The Winner of the Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Goes To: Eva Marie

12) Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year:

1- Michael Cole

2- Josh Matthews

3- Jerry Lawler

4- JBL

5- Justin Roberts

The Winner of Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year Goes To: Jerry Lawler

13) Worst Tag Team of 2013:

1- Santino/Khali

2- Rybaxel (Ryback/Curtis Axel)

3- Real Americans

4- Los Matadores

5- 3MB

The Winner of the Worst Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: Santino/Khali

14) Best Tag Team of 2013:

1- The Uso’s

2- Team Hell No

3- CM Punk/Daniel Bryan

4- Cody Rhodes/Goldust

5- The Shield

The Winner of The Best Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: Cody/Goldust

15) Worst Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- Rosa Mendes

2- Aksana

3- Cameron

4- Eva Marie

5- Summer Rae

The Winner of the Worst Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Eva Marie

16) Best Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- Kaitlyn

2- Naomi

3- Natalya

4- Tamina

5- AJ Lee

The Winner of the Best Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Natalya

17) Worst Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- Sin Cara

2- Ryback

3- Santino Marella

4- The Great Khali

5- Fandango

The Winner of the Worst Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: The Great Khali

18) Best Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- Daniel Bryan

2- CM Punk

3- Antonio Cesaro

4- Chris Jericho

5- Kurt Angle

The Winner of the Best Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Daniel Bryan

19) Best Promo of 2013:

1- AJ’s “pipebomb” on the Total Divas cast (RAW)

2- Any of Bray Wyatt’s promos (in-ring or otherwise)

3- Cena/Daniel Bryan promos leading to their match at SummerSlam

4- Cena/Orton promos leading to Unification Match at TLC

5- The Rock cracking on Cena prior to WrestleMania (always a good time)

The Winner of Best Promo of 2013 Goes To: Cena/Daniel Bryan pre-SummerSlam promos

20) Best Match of 2013:

1- John Cena VS Daniel Bryan – SummerSlam

2- CM Punk VS Undertaker – WrestleMania

3- CM Punk VS Brock Lesnar – SummerSlam

4- Rock VS Cena – WrestleMania

5- Cena VS Orton – TLC (WWE & World Heavyweight title unification match)

The Winner of Best Match of 2013 Goes To: Punk VS Lesnar – SummerSlam

Gregs Have A Nice Day



2013 End Of The Year


1) Worst Mic Skills:

 1- Randy Orton

2- The Big Show

3- Stephanie McMahon

4- Brock Lesnar

5- 3MB

The Winner of the Worst Mic Skills Goes To: Randy Orton

2) Best Mic Skills:

1- Bray Wyatt

2- CM Punk

3- Daniel Bryan

4- The Miz

5- Paul Heyman

The Winner of the Best Mic Skills Goes To: Daniel Bryan

3) Worst Appearance In A Movie or Television Show:

1- The Rock G.I. Joe Retalion

2- The Rock Fast & Furious 6

3- Christmas Bounty The Miz

4- Empire State The Rock

5- Pair of Kings The Miz

The Winner of the Worst Appearnce In A Movie or Television Show Goes To: The Rock GI Joe

4) Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Show:

1- The Rock Pain & Gain

2- The Rock Snitch

3- The Marine 3: Homefront

4- Haven Edge

5- Total Divas The Cast of Total Divas

The Winner of the Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Sow Goes To: Edge Haven

5) Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013? (Basically who got the shittiest treatment/deal in Wrestling in 2013):

1- Wade Barrett

2- Zack Ryder

3- Christian

4- Daniel Bryan

5- CM Punk

The Winner of Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013 Goes To: Wade Barrett

6) OMG Moment Of The Year:

1- Daniel Bryan wins WWE Championship at SS then loses it to Orton

2- The Wyatt Family make their debut

3- Shield take out The Undertaker

4- Kofi uses chair at Rumble

5- Chris Jericho surprise return at Royal Rumble

 The Winner of the OMG Moment Of The Year Goes To: Chris Jericho’s surprise return at Royal Rumble

7) Worst Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- Royal Rumble 2013

2- Hell in a Cell

3- Survivor Series

4- Summer Slam

5- Battleground

The Winner fo the Worst Pay-Per-View of 2013 Goes To: Royal Rumble 2013

8) Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- WrestleMainia 29

2- Extreme Rules

3- Payback

4- Money In The Bank

5- Elimination Chamber

The Winner of the Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013 Goes To: WrestleMania 29

9) Worst Wrestling Merchandice of 2013:

1- John Cena HLR shirt,default,pd.html

2- John Cena Even Stronger Shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_07250_color=White&start=8&cgid=superstar-current-johncena

3- Big Show Show Big Strength t-shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_70072_color=Black&start=2&cgid=superstar-current-bigshow

4- Dolph Ziggler You wish you could tank t-shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05226_color=Teal&start=25&cgid=superstar-current-dolphziggler

5- Mark Henry Hall of Pain Ticket t-shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05885_color=Black&start=6&cgid=superstar-current-markhenry

The Winner of the Worst Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: John Cena HLR shirt

10) Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013:

1- Daniel Bryan Flying Goat t-shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_W06438_color=Black&start=1&cgid=superstar-current-danielbryan

2- CM Punk Best In The World,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05477_color=Black&start=22&cgid=superstar-current-cmpunk

3- Jake The Snake Damien t-shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05888_color=Heather%20Grey&start=2&cgid=superstar-alumni-jakethesnake

4- Andre The Giant Classic t-shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05881_color=Heather%20Grey&start=3&cgid=superstar-alumni-andrethegiant

5- The Wyatt Family Follow The Buzzards t-shirt,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05777_color=black&start=11&q=wyatt%20family

The Winner of the Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: Daniel Bryan Flying Goat t-shirt

11) Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer:

1- Micheal Cole

2- Renee Young

3- Justin Roberts

4- Ricardo

5- Tony Shimel

The Winner of the Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Goes To: Ricardo

12) Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year:

1- Jerry Lawler

2- JBL

3- William Regal

4- Booker T

5- Scott Standford

The Winner of Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year Goes To: Jerry Lawler

13) Worst Tag Team of 2013:

1- The Usos

2- 3MB

3- Le Matadores

4- Tons of Funk

5- Bella Twins

The Winner of the Worst Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: Tons of Funk

14) Best Tag Team of 2013:

1- The Shield

2- Kane & Daniel Bryan

3- Cody Rhodes & Goldust

4- The Wyatt Family

5- Prime Time Players

The Winner of The Best Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

15) Worst Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- Askana

2- Alicia Fox

3- Layla

4- Camron

5- Eva Maria

The Winner of the Worst Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Askana

16) Best Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- AJ Lee

2- Natayla

3- Brie Bella

4- Nicki Bella

5- Kaitlyn

The Winner of the Best Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: AJ Lee & Natayla

17) Worst Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- Heath Slater

2- Big E. Langston

3- Fandango

4- Epico

5- John Cena

The Winner of the Worst Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: John Cena

18) Best Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- Daniel Bryan

2- CM Punk

3- Randy Orton

4- Cody Rhodes

5- RVD

The Winner of the Best Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Daniel Bryan

19) Best Promo of 2013:

1- AJ Lee promo making fun of Divas of Total Divas

2- Wyatt Family’s promos on RAW

3- The Undertaker and CM Punk Promo RAW March 18th, 2013

4- Chris Jericho Cryback Promo Smackdown! June 28th, 2013

5- Paul Heyman and CM Punk Promo RAW June 24th, 2013

The Winner of Best Promo of 2013 Goes To: AJ Lee Promo

20) Best Match of 2013:

1- CM Punk vs The Undertaker WrestleMania 29

2- Triple H vs Brock Lesnar Extreme Rules

3- Daniel Bryan vs John Cena SummerSlam

4- CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar SummerSlam

5- Goldust & Cody Rhodes vs The Shield

The Winner of Best Match of 2013 Goes To: CM Punk vs The Undertaker WM 29

 The Skirt Sheet


2013 End Of The Year


1) Worst Mic Skills:

1- Curtis Axel

2- Big E. Langston

3- Khali

4- Brad Maddox

5- Ryback

The Winner of the Worst Mic Skills Goes To: Big E. Langston

2) Best Mic Skills:

1- The Rock

2- Triple H

3- CM Punk

4- AJ Lee

5- Bray Wyatt

The Winner of the Best Mic Skills Goes To: CM Punk

3) Worst Appearance In A Movie or Television Show:

1- Total Divas (Cameron)

2- Pain And Gain (The Rock)

3- Total Divas (Eva Marie)

4- No One Lives (Brodus Clay)

5- Celebrity Wife Swap (Ric Flair & Roddy Piper)

The Winner of the Worst Appearance In A Movie or Television Show Goes To: No One Lives (Brodus Clay)

4) Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Show:

1- Haven (Edge)

2- The Call (David Otunga)

3- Grown Ups 2 (Stone Cold Steve Austin)

4- Total Divas (Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan)

5- Total Divas (Jimmy Uso & Naomi)

The Winner of the Best Appearance In A Movie or Television Sow Goes To: Haven (Edge)

5) Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013? (Basically who got the shittiest treatment/deal in Wrestling in 2013):

1- Wade Barrett

2- The Miz

3- Natalya

4- Justin Gabriel

5- Daniel Bryan

The Winner of Who Got Crapped On The Most in 2013 Goes To: Wade Barrett

6) OMG Moment Of The Year (5 Candidates):

1- Damien Sandow Goes For A Swim for his MITB brief case (July 26/13)

2- Triple H Pisses Himself while fighting Brock Lesnar (February 25/13)

3- Fandango fan reaction on RAW night after WM29 (April 8/13)

4- Chris Jericho hits Renee Young’s microphone smacking Paul Heyman in the face (June 14/13)

5- Trish Stratus announces her pregnancy at the Hall Of Fame induction (April 6/13)

The Winner of the OMG Moment Of The Year Goes To: Triple H Pisses Himself

7) Worst Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- WrestleMania 29

2- Payback

3- Night Of Champions

4- Battleground

5- Elimination Chamber

The Winner for the Worst Pay-Per-View of 2013 Goes To: WrestleMania 29

8) Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013:

1- Royal Rumble

2- Survivor Series

3- Summer Slam

4- Money In The Bank

5- Hell In A Cell

The Winner of the Best Pay-Per-View Of 2013 Goes To: Summer Slam

9) Worst Wrestling Merchandice of 2013:

1- WWE Power Slammers:

2- John Cena North Pole sign:,default,pd.html?dwvar_07216_color=No%20Color&start=10&cgid=holidaydecor

3- Rey Mysterio Rubber pants:,default,pd.html?dwvar_96837_color=No%20Color&start=6&cgid=New

4- Socks, because those are fun:,default,pd.html?dwvar_W06374_color=No%20Color&start=77&cgid=New

5- Goldberg DVD because unless you have 540 minutes you don’t care about never getting back, this has to be the most boring DVD ever:—The-Ultimate-Collection-DVD/W05958,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05958_color=No%20Color&start=128&cgid=New

The Winner of the Worst Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: Goldberg DVD

10) Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013:

1- Eric Rowan`s Sheep Mask:,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05608_color=No%20Color&start=95&cgid=shop-wwe-products-accessories

2- The Undertaker limited edition Todd McFarlan statue:,default,pd.html?dwvar_03565_color=No%20Color&start=1&cgid=shop-wwe-products-memorabilia

3- Fandango Foam Fingers:,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05314_color=Teal&start=5&cgid=fandango

4- Triple H Blu Ray `Thy Kingdom Come`:,default,pd.html?dwvar_31460_color=No%20Color&start=7&cgid=dvd-bluray

5- WWE 2K14 Game:—XBox-360/W05575,default,pd.html?dwvar_W05575_color=No%20Color&start=69&cgid=shop-wwe-new-hotnewproducts

The Winner of the Best Wrestling Merchandice of 2013 Goes To: The Undertaker limited edition Todd McFarlan statue

11) Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer:

1- Renee Young (Interviewer)

2- Matt Striker (Interviewer)

3- Michael Cole (Commentator)

4- Jerry Lawler (Commentator)

5- Tony Chimel (Ring Announcer/Main Event)

The Winner of the Worst Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Goes To: Matt Striker

12) Best Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year:

1- Alex Riley (Commentator-Main Event)

2- Josh Mathews (Commentator/Interviewer)

3- Lilian Garcia (Announcer)

4- JBL (Commentator)

5- The Miz (Commentator-Main Event)

The Winner of Best Announcer, Commentator or Interviewer Of The Year Goes To: Josh Mathews

13) Worst Tag Team of 2013:

1- Prime Time Players

2- The Real Americans

3- 3MB

4- Los Matadores

5- Tons Of Funk

The Winner of the Worst Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: 3MB

14) Best Tag Team of 2013:

1- Wyatt Family

2- The Shield

3- Cody Rhodes & Goldust

4- The Uso’s

5- Curtis Axel & Ryback

The Winner of The Best Tag Team of 2013 Goes To: The Shield

15) Worst Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- Vickie Guerrero

2- Rosa Mendes

3- Aksana

4- Eve Torres

5- Eva Marie

The Winner of the Worst Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Aksana

16) Best Female Wrestler of 2013:

1- Kaitlyn

2- Naomi

3- AJ Lee

4- Brie Bella

5- Natalya

The Winner of the Best Female Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Natalya

17) Worst Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- Curt Hawkins

2- Zack Ryder

3- Yoshi Tatsu

4- Sin Cara

5- David Otunga

The Winner of the Worst Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Zack Ryder

18) Best Male Wrestler of 2013:

1- Alberto Del Rio

2- Mark Henry

3- Sheamus

4- Randy Orton

5- Daniel Bryan

The Winner of the Best Male Wrestler of 2013 Goes To: Randy Orton

19) Best Promo of 2013:

1- AJ Lee “Anti-Total Divas”- August 26/13

2- Undertaker “Punk, you have 1 chance to save your soul”- March 18/13

3- The Rock “Rock Concert”- January 14/13

4- CM Punk “I Promise…” -September 2/13

5- Shawn Michaels “What happened to the guy who raged against the machine?”- October 21/13

The Winner of Best Promo of 2013 Goes To: AJ Lee “Anti-Total Divas”-August 26/13

20) Best Match of 2013:

1-Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan, Street Fight – June 24/13

2-United States Championship: C) Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose, -Extreme Rules May 19/13

3-Undertaker vs. CM Punk, -WrestleMania 29 April 7/13

4-Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett, No DQ Match- August 16/13

5-Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins -June 10/13

The Winner of Best Match of 2013 Goes To: Since it got jipped at the Slammy Awards; Undertaker vs. CM Punk at WrestleMania 29 on April 7, 2013!



TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs

Kick-Off: Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango

Sarge’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

Diva’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

The Game’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

Greg’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler


-WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way: C)Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel vs. The Real Americans vs. Big Show & Rey Mysterio
Sarge’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Diva’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

The Game’s Prediction: The Real Americans

Greg’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

-3-On-1 Handicap Match: Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family

Sarge’s Prediction: Wyatt Family

Diva’s Prediction: Wyatt Family

The Game’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

Greg’s Prediction: Wyatt Family

-WWE Intercontinental Championship: C) Big E. Langston vs. Damien Sandow

Sarge’s Prediction: Big E. Langston

Diva’s Prediction: Big E. Langston

The Game’s Prediction: Damien Sandow

Greg’s Prediction: Damien Sandow

-WWE Diva’s Championship: C) AJ Lee vs. Natalya

Sarge’s Prediction: Natalya

Diva’s Prediction: Natalya

The Game’s Prediction: AJ Lee

Greg’s Prediction: Natalya

-3-On-1 Handicap Match: CM Punk vs. The Shield

Sarge’s Prediction: CM Punk

Diva’s Prediction: CM Punk

The Game’s Prediction: CM Punk

Greg’s Prediction: CM Punk

-TLC Match for the WWE & World Heavyweight Championship Unification:

WWE C) Randy Orton vs. WHC C) John Cena

Sarge’s Prediction: John Cena

Diva’s Prediction: John Cena

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton & John Cena (they switch titles)

Greg’s Prediction: John Cena

Well, we did our best and our worst this year too, but we hope you enjoyed it and all have a great Holiday season! See you Next Year for the 2014 Royal Rumble!


Survivor Series Predictions, Total Diva’s, The Miz & More…

November 23, 2013 Leave a comment

In Memory of

Maurice “Mad Dog” Vachon

September 14, 1929 to November 21, 2013

00 f4w2012banner

We’re back Bitches!!! I’m sure we are all going to say something epic. Well, maybe not. But that’s for you all to decide. Of course we have our Survivor Series Predictions for you all.

We lost a Hall Of Famer this past week, legend, Maurice “Mad Dog” Vachon. Vachon was a multiple Tag Team Champion with brother Paul “The Butcher” Vachon. Well known to Canadians, Vachon also competed at the 1948 Olympic Games in London and finished 7th place. He was just 18 at the time. In 1950, he competed at the British Empire Games where he won Gold. He made his professional wrestling debut in Sudbury, Ontario. Vachon was married three times, but settled with his wife in Omaha, Nebraska. Father of six children, grandfather to seven and great-grandfather to two. He was inducted to the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2010.

RIP Mad Dog

We here at the Fatal 4-Way, would like to send out our deepest Sympathies to the entire Vachon Family. Rest In Peace Mad Dog!

The Game

UFC 167: GSP wins then hints Retirement + more:


***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***


Howdy, hooligans!

Well, guess what happened since the last time we met up in this joint. I got a new job….and I actually enjoy it. I don’t think I have ever said that about any job I have had in my life until now. What do I do exactly? I work in the order fulfillment warehouse for Colony Brands in Monroe, Wisconsin.


I haul carts through a huge warehouse all day and collect items to fill the orders people have sent in. It might sound boring and tedious, but it really isn’t. It’s actually kind of fun. It feels like a game to me at times, which makes the time fly by. Each 8-hour day leaves me totally unphased. I am not tired, or hurting, or dreading going back the next day. My first week blew by, and I could barely believe when that week was over. I felt like I hadn’t really been to work at all.


On top of all that, I get to wear hoodies and sweat pants to work! No stuffy, uncomfortable clothes to make the day drag. This really does feel like a dream job, except for the fact that it is only a “seasonal” position. I can always look into possibly being hired on a more long term basis, but that isn’t a guarantee. We’ll just have to see what happens when the season is over.



Now, what about some actual wrestling related banter? Isn’t that why we’re all here anyway?


Well, first off….I am going to say it. Ethan Carter III, or EC3, is a fucking joke. Every match, he makes his grand entrance and then fights the same jobbers every week! These guys look like they just crawled out of the shallow end of the gene pool. Sure, last Thursday night, he beat Shark Boy who is really just a jobber with a silly gimmick….but, still a jobber. I haven’t seen anything great out of EC3 since his debut. WWE dumped him, and he sucks just as bad in TNA, if not worse. Instead of having that smug look on his face when his “jobber du jour” is served up on a silver platter, I’d love to see EC3 shit himself when the music hits and his next opponent ends up being someone like Kurt Angle or Samoa Joe.



I am really upset that Survivor Series has changed so much since its inception. We used to have several elimination tag matches throughout the PPV, and a couple title defenses thrown in. Now, the traditional “Survivor Series” matches take a back seat to run-of-the-mill singles contests, and making sure the little kiddies get their weekly dose of Super Cena.


Next thing you know, the Royal Rumble PPV won’t even feature the 30-man Battle Royal anymore, and they’ll eventually change the name of the PPV to some ridiculous nonsense like Boiling Point, or Jostle In January.


God help us if it gets that bad, folks!



So, AJ Styles won the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, then leaves the company with the title belt and has been “defending” it in Mexico while Dixie Carter organizes a tournament to crown the “real” TNA World Champion.




Go home, TNA. You’re drunk!



The past couple weeks, TNA Knockouts Champion Gail Kim has been offering an open challenge to any female wrestler on the planet to come and attempt to defeat her for her title. So far, the opponents have been fairly forgettable. No real challenge at all. Just makes me wonder who all this is leading up to. Who is going to be the one who debuts and finally wipes the floor with Gail Kim and takes her title? I’m sure we can all speculate until we are blue in the face.


The way I would let it pan out is, Gail Kim lets all her success go to her head and she becomes too much for her bodyguard, Lei’d Tapa, to bear. Tapa snaps and beats Gail Kim into the ground in record time. One of the main reasons I say this is, it seems like a complete misuse of talent the way Lei’d Tapa has been reduced to being a bodyguard (much like Tamina Snuka in WWE) instead of being on the active roster competing in her own matches.




Been talking a lot about TNA this time, but it’s really only because WWE hasn’t changed enough in the past month to give me much to comment on. Last PPV to Survivor Series, it just feels like the same storylines have dragged on for weeks with only minor developments. Hardly worth even a paragraph in this article to talk about such small changes.



So, I watched Total Divas from last Sunday night. Good God, is Eva Marie a big, fat bag of fucktard! It was a HUGE mistake to put a mic in her hand and let her go unsupervised out into the ring to try her hand at being a guest ring announcer. All she had to do was remember her lines, and a few people’s names. She introduced 3MB and totally left out Jinder Mahal. Backstage, when she was confronted by them and asked what happened, she says “Ginger” Mahal, and gets the stink eye from Heath Slater. It was hilarious!


She just needs to stick to doing photo shoots nobody wants to look at and stay the fuck away from WWE because, let’s face it…she could probably even flub her lines doing porn.



You can bet, however, that I will never mess up my lines. I have lived them and repeated them for years as I wrap up each edition of Sarge’s Boot Camp in the Fatal 4-Way. In fact, I have been doing this now for 7 years this month!! The Fatal 4-Way is 7 years running, people!! Can you f’n believe it?


Happy Anniversary to all my fellow blog-a-maniacs…past and present! Here’s to many more mayhem filled years to come!!


To my awesome team mates…and all the faithful 4-Way fanatics across the globe who keep this thing alive and kicking…….The Sarge salutes you ALL!!!


Until next time…YOU’RE DISMISSED!!




Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)


Until next time, this is The Sarge…..reminding you: Weird is a side effect of awesome.

The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter:@The_Sarge_F4W

 Gregs Have A Nice Day


Hey everyone how are you doing this month? I am doing pretty well. I’m pretty much packed and ready to go to Punta Cana on Sunday!! My cousin is getting married down there! I can’t wait! It should be lots of fun! 🙂 Speaking about fun has anyone been watching WWE or TNA lately? Lol Well I know you haven’t been watching TNA…but have you given up on WWE? Sometimes I wonder why I watch wrestling. I guess it is the fact that I have been a fan for more than 25 years now. I will always stick through professional wrestling through the good, the bad and the ugly. I am a dedicated wrestling fan! 😛 I also watch General Hospital too and believe me it has gone through some rough times! But now it has a great writer and producer and the show has been reinvented! It is amazing what a great writer can do to turn things around…I wonder if WWE will ever learn that? When you look back at wrestling in the last 20 years or so you can tell when WWE was great and also when WWE was bad. It seems to go in cycles. WWE and TNA have been in a slump for a long time. Something needs to give! We’re coming pretty close to the road to WrestleMania and this past road to WrestleMania was just awful! I hope it can’t get any worse.


So I’m going to start out with a rumour. Hulk Hogan is done with TNA and has his eyes set on a WWE return in the new year. I’m on the fence about this one. For one thing I know Hogan brings in a lot of baggage with him. Him, his family have been through a lot of stuff. Also we all know Hogan only looks out for himself and rarely puts anyone else over. So why would WWE want him back? Simple WrestleMania 30 is happening and it wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t there. He needs to be a part of it. I know Diva hates Hogan and she hates the fact that he is being considered for a return. I know she is worried about other wrestlers who will lose their spot if he returns. I agree I worry too! But I only want to see Hogan as host. He doesn’t need to wrestle. Maybe he could do a leg drop on Ryback or Paul Heyman. I just think Hogan would make a good host for the show. He could be what The Rock was a couple of years ago. That’s it. WWE I don’t want to see Hogan in singles or any kind of a match at WM. Please let other wrestlers who are young and are your future steal the show for once. We need to see the Daniel Bryans, The Mizes, the CM Punks etc show that they can shine with the big boys. It is time for WWE to start something fresh and give them a chance.


Recently it was confirmed on that Vince McMahon wants to push big guys again. He doesn’t think guys like Punk or Bryan can draw money. Well Vince I think you’re a fool. You dropped the ball with Bryan and Punk. Your creative made them look weak and never awarded us the fans. You only gave Bryan the WWE Championship for a very short period of time. How are we supposed to to get behind them if your storyline continue to be crap! I’m really upset that The Big Show is getting a WWE title shot against Randy Orton. I really do like The Big Show. But ever since he came back from his “firing” I hated everything to do with him. I hate The Authority storyline. I think there is too much Triple H and Steph on TV. They don’t really put over anyone except for a select few(even when they do, it doesn’t really do too much for them). What HBK did at the last PPV was just plain stupid and it ruin the whole match. I know HBK doesn’t have control over what he does but you would think he would say something to his best friend or Vince about how they are booking Daniel? But nope. I guess he just goes with whatever they want. I really don’t know. SPOILER I think they are going to go with a double turn at the PPV. Randy is going to get screwed out of the WWE Championship and be turned face and Big Show is going to turn heel and join with Triple H and Steph. Yeah that would be fun? Hopefully this doesn’t happen. But if it does, I’m sorry! LOL BTW I won’t know the results until I get back from vacation. So hopefully I can be surprised by something else.


John Cena has been boring ever since he came back and won the World Championship! I don’t know maybe that belt means nothing too? I don’t know. I could really careless who wins between him and Alberto. Both of them haven’t impressed me lately. I think WWE should give Sandow another try with Cena. I think Sandow has potential to be something big in WWE. I really do think he is a great wrestler and he could be a great champion too! Him and Ziggler put on a great match this week on RAW. Their match was probably one of the better matches I have seen on RAW in a while. Also another thing, even though it was a country theme RAW I actually didn’t mind it. I think they did a good job with the county. They kept it to just a few backstage skits and one live performance. Also they promoted a few bands as well. Not too bad. It was better than I thought it was going to be.


While The Miz was tagging with Kofi Kingston on RAW I was texting Diva and I was mentioning to her how I miss seeing The Miz as a heel. He was so much better and I said to her I think WWE should turn him heel in the new year. Then a few minutes later The Miz turns on Kofi during their match. I guess WWE was planning to do it sooner! I say great! Even though he has a Children’s TV Christmas movie coming out in a few weeks, why not do it now? LOL I don’t think it really matters if you’re good or bad and have a movie coming out. Of course WWE could just turn him face again in a week. You never know!


Bret Hart is going to at Survivor Series this Sunday. He will be doing a thing with Booker T and among others anaylizing the matches. That should be pretty cool. I’m glad Bret has a good relationship with WWE. It is great to see him on WWE TV.


Speaking about relationships I hope WWE and Jake The Snake Roberts can have one in the new year! He really wants to return to WWE for one more match. He has been doing a lot to improve himself. I think he is ready for the Rumble! It would be pretty cool to see him come back! 🙂


Anyway I’m done for this month! I hope everyone has a great time if you’re going to watch PPV this Sunday! I will however will be in Punta Cana. Lol Have a nice day!! 🙂

The Skirt Sheet

And then there were two…two blogs left this year. Technically this is the last one, because the next one is our Best & Worst of 2013 blog. I love the final blog of the year. I mean, I prepare for it all year. I’m a true wrestling nerd, what can I say? Lol! But this is November, and y’all have to wait until December for that edition. This is our Survivor Series edition, so it’s time to shut it and get to bidness…


First off, my boyfriend and I had our second Halloween party. I couldn’t really say what our true costumes were because I didn’t want a party guest to find out before hand, here is Mat & I…



We went as Jay & Silent Bob. Haha! It was a good one, eh? We had a great party and all the costumes looked great.


Alright, moving on…


I love Survivor Series, well I usually do. I really miss the old format of every match being an elimination tag team match. Now it’s been downsized to just two matches that are built like that. This is probably not the first time I’ve mentioned this in the past seven years.


The card alone this year, sucks. I could care less about either the World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Championship matches. I love Randy Orton, but I have no use for Big Show. I don’t hate him, I just feel that he’s not the championship material. He’s getting older, slower and never really had much in the way of wrestling skills. He would be better off as a backstage road agent, or commentator. We all know how I feel about John Cena. Personally, I feel that he isn’t 100% healed. I think he was pressured to come back early because the WWE were panicking about their precious ratings. The WWE puts too much faith on one person to carry them, and never really trust anyone else to try. So they brought back Cena early, had him face Alberto Del Rio, and win the World Heavyweight Championship, and has not really done much, except play up the injury. An injury that I feel isn’t healed.


CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have been on a roll lately. Before I talk about their match against the Wyatt Family’s Luke Harper & Erick Rowan, I just want to say this. The WWE freaked out because they didn’t feel that Daniel Bryan was bringing in the ratings as champion. If memory serves me correctly, he held it for the first 10 minutes of RAW after The Night Of Champions. How can you say that 10 minutes was enough to determine the ratings? It isn’t. So because of this, there is a rumour going around that the higher-ups have decided that they are only giving the strap to big guys instead of the smaller guys. They pulled Daniel Bryan right out of the WWE Championship picture. Yet, they have had CM Punk and/or Daniel Bryan in the main event for the past two weeks. Not only that, the fans love Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. You can hear it in the crowd response. So where is the WWE’s logic?


But back to their match at Survivor Series. The Wyatt boys, Harper & Rowan, have such a different way of approaching wrestling. Whereas, Punk & Bryan are technical, Harper and Rowan rely on their size and unique-big-man type moves. This match is going to offer such a diverse bunch of styles, that it has the potential to be a good match. It’s time for The Wyatt’s to prove they can take on the two best wrestlers in the WWE.


There are just two traditional Survivor Series matches; 5-on-5 elimination, The Uso’s, Goldust, Cody Rhodes, and Rey Mysterio versus all three members of The Shield, and The Real Americans; and a 7-on-7 elimination match with The Bella Twins, The Funkadactyls, Natalya, Eva Marie & Jojo versus AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Aksana, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox and Summer Rae. I’m not sure how Kaitlyn ended up on the side that had all heel diva’s but hey, I could have missed something.


It’s hard to predict these two matches because whenever you get an elimination type match, the odds of predicting the winning team or the remaining members, is so difficult.


Speaking of Diva’s… What the hell is going on with Rosa Mendes’ wrestling gear? It looks like she bought her gear at a figure skating outfit’s clearance sale…

Rosa Figure skating outfit wwe

The white boots doesn’t help her case any either. So far, anytime you see Rosa in her “wrestling” gear, they all resemble figure skating outfits. Just sayin…

Total Divas


Total Diva’s is back!! I’m so happy, AND it has been renewed for a second season. Right now they are finishing up the first season with six more episodes and the first two have already aired. The first episode of the six, focus on Summer Slam week back in August. Eva Marie, came off as a huge cunt in this episode and Brie, and Nikki had each managed to mock her and she never noticed it once. First she started to flap her gums about her MAXIM spread, and one of the Bella’s told her they were on the cover of MAXIM Espagnol, and Eva Marie said “the Mexican one?” And Brie said something along the lines that “the difference is the Latin one goes to more countries than the American one.” And it went right over Eva Marie’s head. I can’t remember the countless times Nikki said something snarky in return to Eva Marie and Eva not getting it. Anyone notice Eva Marie’s jealousy of Nikki Bella? She heard that she will be tag teaming with John Cena against one of them and Daniel Bryan in the future, and Nikki said good luck with that. She said she could be Brie’s new tag team partner. All she’s doing is fueling Nikki to fight to get back in the ring.


What is with Ariane’s road rage? That girl has some serious anger management issues that she needs to deal with. How stupid are you? Trinity was right in her interview to say, that they are public figures and that incident could come back and bite her in the ass. Because Trinity and Jimmy Uso (John) were with her, it could effect them as well. My favourite line of the episode was Trinity mocking Ariane’s “Girl-Bye” with “Girl-Bi-Polar!” Lol!!


The second episode was pretty good. I really felt for Nikki. At the end of the episode, after Nikki had moved in with John Cena, unpacked her boxes, he hands her a cohabitational Agreement, which says that if they break up she has to vacate the property in 42 or 48 hours, I can’t remember which. Shouldn’t he have given her this before she shipped her boxes across the country and got her heart all set on a future with him? It really shows that Cena is a grade A Prick. Don’t get me wrong, I know he went through a dicey divorce, but still. He is going to break Nikki’s heart.


Eva Marie is taking up space. I don’t know how anyone who says being a Diva is the most important thing in the world to them and clearly NOT be a wrestling fan, got into the business? She literally knows nothing. NOTHING! Randy Orton’s been announced for the past 11 years or so, as being from St. Louis, Missouri, yet she says Los Angeles? Really? Really? Then you have to insult someone by not knowing their name? Sure it was just Jinder Mahal, but still. He had every right to be pissed off with her. She gets this opportunity to not only announce the participants in a match, but to be pushed into a reality show and on television, while girls are working their asses off, and not making it or are still working NXT, who deserve the opportunity that Eva Marie was handed. That bothers me. Paige, Bayley, Charlotte, Emma, Sasha Banks, and more, are working their asses off in NXT, while Eva Marie, is just handed a spot in a reality show, as well as opportunities in the ring on television. Sickening. She didn’t know who Jinder Mahal was? Or anything. He and Drew McIntyre were right to rip her a new anus. They had every right to be pissed right off with her for forgetting Jinder’s name when she announced 3MB on television. My respect for Heath Slater has grown a bit. He may have been harsh sounding while talking to Eva Marie, but he gave her sound advice. Know your co-workers names and talk to them. All she could say was, “I didn’t cheat.” No but maybe she should have. OMG she just pisses me off. More and more.


Funny moment happened Monday night. I wasn’t really watching RAW, because I tend to do that on Tuesday’s, but I was texting with my co-blogger and buddy, Greg and he had mention that he thinks The Miz will turn heel within the next few months. Then all of a sudden I get a text saying, “The Miz just turned on Kofi”. I was like “What?” So I flipped over and sure enough, The Miz left Kofi hanging in their tag match against the Real Americans. Greg called it. I called it twice in one episode of ARROW this past week. I said to Mat, that it would have been better if Moira (Oliver’s mom) said that Thea was a product of her affair with Malcolm Merlin, and then I said that Malcolm didn’t die in the season one finale. Sure enough at the end, there’s Malcolm, alive and well. I was like “CALLED IT!!!” and then he said that he was disappointed that Moira didn’t say that Thea was his daughter, and we started to laugh our asses off and I yelled, “CALLED IT AGAIN!! BOOYA!” Lol!!


Anyways, that’s it for me this week. I could go on my usual WHERE THE FUCK IS WADE BARRETT rant, but I’m pretty sure that’s a given. Like seriously? Even when they had the shows in England, I thought for sure he would come back on RAW in Manchester, no he did a fucking dark match. He better be back soon. My patience is wearing thin. OH I guess that was my WHERE THE FUCK IS WADE BARRETT rant. Lol!! My bad. Anyways, see y’all in a month for our TLC predictions and our Best and Worst of 2013 blogs. Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!


Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at

Check me out on Tumblr:

OR, hit me up on Twitter: @F4WDiva



Survivor Series


Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz

Sarge’s Prediction: The Miz

Diva’s Prediction: The Miz

The Game’s Prediction: Kofi Kingston

Greg’s Prediction: The Miz


-WWE Intercontinental Championship: C) Big E. Langston vs. Curtis Axel

Sarge’s Prediction: Big E. Langston

Diva’s Prediction: Big E. Langston

The Game’s Prediction: Big E. Langston

Greg’s Prediction: Big E. Langston

-5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match:

Cody Rhodes, Goldust, The Uso’s & Rey Mysterio vs. The Shield & The Real Americans

Sarge’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes, Goldust, The Uso’s & Rey Mysterio

Diva’s Prediction: The Shield (Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins)

The Game’s Prediction: The Shield & Real Americans

Greg’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Rey Mysterio

-World Heavyweight Championship: C)John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio

Sarge’s Prediction: John Cena

Diva’s Prediction: John Cena

The Game’s Prediction: John Cena

Greg’s Prediction: John Cena *yawn*

CM Punk & Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family

Sarge’s Prediction: The Wyatt Family

Diva’s Prediction: CM Punk & Daniel Bryan

The Game’s Prediction: The Wyatt Family

Greg’s Prediction: The Wyatt Family

-7-on-7 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match:

The Bella Twins, The Funkadactyls, vs. AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Aksana,

Natalya, Jojo, & Eva Marie Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae & Alicia Fox

Sarge’s Prediction: AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Aksana, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae & Alica Fox

Diva’s Prediction: Natalya, Bella Twins & Naomi

The Game’s Prediction: The Bella Twins, Funkadactyls, Natalya, Eva Marie & Jojo

Greg’s Prediction: The Bella Twins, Natalya & Eva Marie

-WWE Championship: C) Randy Orton vs. Big Show

Sarge’s Prediction: Big Show

Diva’s Prediction: Big Show

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Greg’s Prediction: The Big Show, switcharoo he will turn heel and Randy will turn face again…probably get “screwed”


That’s it for this months edition. See you all in a month for the year end blog, complete with our Best and Worst of 2013 and our WWE TLC pay-per-view predictions. Cheers and happy Thanksgiving to all our American readers, and of course Sarge and his family.


If you order his action figure, it will come with a 2-litre bottle of Coke and 25 buffalo wings…It’s not delivery, it’s Cesaro!” -John Cena making fun of

Antonio Cesaro’s pizza nipples

WWE SmackDown November 1, 2013

WWE Hell In The Cell Predictions & WWE 2k14

October 26, 2013 Leave a comment

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I’m not going to get fancy, as I’m trying to decorate and get crap done for Halloween. But we are here again, with our silly-ass views, having fun, kicking ass and taking names. We have our Hell In A Cell pay-per-view predictions for you. This one was tough for me, so see what I and the boys had to say.

The Skirt Sheet

Happy Halloween to all my fashionably dressed gouls. It’s kind of nice to do two blogs this month. Even better is, I remembered. Of course the WWE had to pick the same weekend as my Halloween party. Technically the party is the brain child of my boyfriend, Mat (yes, with just one “T”). He love Halloween about as much as I love Christmas. What are Mat & I dressing up as, you ask? Arrow’s, Green Arrow & Huntress. I’ll have pictures for our Survivor Series edition in November. I promise. It’s time to shut it and get to bidness, I have a party to prepare for.


Wade Barrett’s back to work after nearly two months away due to work visa issues. He worked the tour in Mexico last weekend. Now you maybe wondering why he wasn’t on television? For some reason he has yet to return to to RAW, SmackDown or even Main Event, or the dreaded and ever boring Superstars. Simply put it, I suspect that creative and other higher-ups are a bunch of creative-less feckin’ wankers, that’s why. Never mind they have had two months to prepare. I cuss at them for they all suck big hairy monkey balls.


I’m actually happy to say that the diva’s division is improving. Gotta give credit where credit is due. AJ has done wonders for the division. I really haven’t seen that level of work since Lita and Trish Stratus. Maybe, it’s because the diva’s are getting more air time, and she’s taking full advantage of the opportunity. Also credit has to be given to Total Divas. That show has made Brie Bella, Natalya & Naomi work even harder now that they are representing. They are in a whole new spotlight, which brings wrestling into a different mainstream lime-light. Therefore, all three have improved. Nikki Bella is just getting back into the ring after being injured, so it’s too soon to tell. Cameron, well I really don’t think anyone cares much for her, sorry BABE! Lol! Eva Marie and Jojo are still a joke, in my mind. Jojo had one match a few weeks ago and never even got inside the ring. Then again, that was probably for the best. I’m not really sure what is going on with Eva Marie’s ring attire. If she’s going for the starving camel toe effect, then she’s got it. I just wish her vage wasn’t so hungry.

Hungry CT

See? Hungry, Hungry Camel!

It’s nice to see Tamina Snuka back into the mix. She’s a very talented woman. Now get rid of Akasana, Alicia Fox and Layla, and bring back Kharma and Mickie James, then sign Angelina Love, and they would have something special again.


I keep hoping John Morrison will return to the WWE one day. I miss his abs. I’m no longer inspired to do laundry, lol. You know, wash board abs?! (Shh, don’t tell Mat.)


Le, sigh! BRB, gotta throw a load in the wash!


Ooh, I have had a few thoughts on the Wyatt Family, besides the fact that you can see Erick Rowan’s thong outline in his jump suit, and why light the lantern, say two words and blow it out? Seems like a lot of unnecessary work to me. Anyways, I recently saw a post from a buddy of mine from Facebook, I’m just going to call him KME for short. KME posted that he’s “starting to grow a little tired of the Wyatt Family. Not so much Bray, but the other two jabronies.” It left me really thinking. I don’t particularly like to think, but KME is right. They still have a creepy entrance, and Bray is cutting cryptic promos, that are well spoken and make you wonder what he’s speaking about, without thinking it didn’t make sense. When they carried Kane away so that he could do film See No Evil 2, I had high hopes and my curiosity peeked. I thought maybe they would carry on doing creepy stuff like that, except they haven’t. I actually don’t want them carrying mid-card sub-talent, like R-Truth, off to do a movie (that would be scarier then See No Evil 1 or 2, combined!). They need something else. What I was thinking was this;

When Kane comes back, he’s been brain washed by Bray Wyatt to think he’s a member

of the family. He’s more of an asset to Bray, as he is more calculated and just the right

amount of monster to carry out more devastating orders than Luke Harper and Erick Rowan.

Kane is usually uncontrollable, but not while he’s under Bray’s guidance. Now he’s being controlled.

Yes? No? At least it’s something, and it probably will be better than what the WWE will put together. They will likely stick with Kane coming back with a vengeance-thing. YAWN! Thank-you KME for making me think about this.

I don’t throw compliments to Shawn Michaels very easily, but his work since the predictable vote to be the special guest referee for this weekends Hell In A Cell WWE Championship match, has been pretty good. HBShizzel, even I laughed at that (no, I wasn’t drunk…just tired). I thought I sounded white when I call my boyfriend’s best P-Dawg, but I was wrong. HBShizzel, wins! His promo from this weeks RAW was probably one of his best ones in a long time. I didn’t want to puke, so I call that progress. I have been going back and forth with Daniel Bryan or Randy Orton for the win, but as of this writing I settled with Daniel Bryan. Although part of me thinks it will be Randy Orton. They are really shoving down our throats that Shawn will be fair, but he’s best friends with Triple H, and he has a history of screwing people. Plus they mention how much Orton & Michaels don’t like each other. That’s usually a sign. So Shawn could swerve us all and help Orton win, or the WWE is making us think Shawn is going to swerve and then he doesn’t and then Daniel Bryan wins after all. I just don’t want to give that kind of credit to the WWE, as they have proven that they are not that intelligent.

Lets talk John Cena, shall we? If you say you are going to be gone for 4 to 6 months, then please have the courtesy to stay gone. How rude of him to come back after 2 months. I knew it was too good to be true. Cena ruins everything. Is it that imperative that he comes back now? No it isn’t. I know I’m not the only one who isn’t happy with his return. Anybody else who returns from injury or suspension, has to start in the mid-card, so shouldn’t Cena be starting back in the mid-card? I wish he would just go away. Maybe we should hire Tonya Harding to take him out. Wait, did I just show my age? That’s nice! I’m just so sick and tired of having charisma win out over ability. I’m tired of the same, unwanted shit being shoved down my throat. I keep telling myself that I made it through the early to mid 1990’s, that I can make it through this. Only this shitty period seems to be lasting a lot longer. I’m getting frustrated of seeing the same guys at the top. We didn’t have “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart or Mick Foley shoved down our throats for ten or more years the same way John Cena has been. I feel like a porn start who is told to suck on a dick until I choke and gag, over and over again. I’m sorry, but that is so not sexy. It’s gross and very wrong.


November 17th Total Diva’s return with, I believe six new episodes to finish up season 1. I’ve been on withdrawal between their hiatus and glee’s hiatus. Especially after the heart wrenching episode where they put Cory Montieth’s character, Finn Hudson, to rest. Actually I’d like to talk about this for a second. It’s sad what happened to Montieth. He was young, and although he had a hard life before finding success on glee, he was a very talented young man. I was aware of his problems before hand, but I never thought they were going to kill him. I was shocked about his death but not for long. I was more shocked that he died of a heroine overdose. I figured he was in rehab for pot, or hash, or something. I never figured heroine. Despite being shocked, I never shredded a tear, except during the farewell episode of glee. They did a great job. Being a wrestling fan for 29 years, I’ve lost a lot of people whom I looked up to, and maybe that’s hardened me a bit in recent years. It doesn’t mean that I’m not sad, it just means that I’m always ready for a death in the wrestling world to happen. I’m always relieved when it’s old age or a disease. Drug overdoses don’t surprise me, and I have very little sympathy now for it. Because frankly, you do it to yourself. It’s still sad, don’t get me wrong. So many people suffered a loss and some of them their first famous person, and that I can relate too. My first real death that affected me was Owen Hart. My niece Emily had never dealt with a loss of someone she watched on TV and even grew up with. It sucks and it can hurt. I do understand what his tragic death felt like for his fans. I would never downplay that, or any future wrestling deaths, no matter how many in the past I’ve seen die. I just don’t react the same. Rest In Peace Cory, and all who have left us too soon.

Wow, talking about a prime example of going off topic. Anyways, Total Diva’s returns November 17th. OK, I’m outtie. I can’t babble and bitch on anymore. I know right?! Shocker! You’d think I would be going on and on about shit, but quite frankly I’m tired and I have a Blackfish tweet storm to kick up. I may have witnessed history being made tonight after Blackfish aired on CNN. So many people tweeting about it, including My Wade Barrett (although I am disappointed in him; supporting captivity and all. Good thing he’s hot and British).

 Wade tweet

Toodles people and enjoy Halloween. Remember if you are out partying this weekend, Don’t drink and drive. And if you are out with your children on October 31st, be careful and all that jazz. Anyone else out on Halloween, don’t run over anyone. It’s dark and sometimes not easy to see a wee child.Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy! Wait, was the winners and loser thing appropriate after telling people not to run over small children? LOL! Oh well, my bad.


Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at

Check me out on Tumblr:

OR, hit me up on Twitter: @F4WDiva

 The Game

UFC 166: Cain Valasquez vs Junior Dos Santos III:


***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***


 How’s it goin’, gangstas??

Yeah, same here. I know what you’re thinking. This again? Already? Well……yeah. Sad, but true. You see, it seems WWE doesn’t quite have a grasp on the whole “one PPV per month” concept anymore. We just had Battleground three weeks ago, and this Sunday, we have Hell In A Cell. That said, I haven’t seen a heck of a lot going on that’s really worth talking about. I can sum it up in maybe a paragraph or two, if I’m lucky. Bottom line, this edition of the Boot Camp is going to be uncharacteristically short. You’re getting the “abridged” version this time, but it’s not my fault.

I apologize in advance, but this joint doesn’t give out refunds if you’re disappointed.

Speaking of disappointment, Los Matadores still have not sold me. They are nothing more than a Saturday morning peepshow fit for ages 13 and below. Does WWE think its top demographic are still in diapers? WTF are they thinking? It’s bad enough they come out with the fucking horned monkey midget Mantaur thing running around , but the little creep also has “his” own Twitter account. Seriously? I think WWE has finally jumped the shark with their immersion in social media. It would be more believable if Mr. Socko, or Santino’s cobra puppet had a Twitter account. This is all just a bad joke, and an insult to fans who have matured enough to be able to voluntarily contain our own bowels.

Their tag line is “Fear the bull”. What I fear is the “bullshit”!

I think it’s hilarious, if not completely boring how people who get “fired” from WWE always seem to keep showing up even when they have been “banned from the building”. Big Show got fired weeks ago, and he still shows up every episode of RAW since then. Both Cody Rhodes & Goldust were “fired”, but now they got to come back and became the WWE Tag Team Champions on top of that. Really? Really?

I’m going to try that if I ever get fired from another job. Just keep showing up every day, clocking in and going back to work like nothing ever happened. I am willing to bet that will NOT go over well with management.

All things considered, I am glad this blog was due when it was, and not next weekend. Why? Because by this time next weekend, my attention will be consumed by this……………..


I look forward to the next game in this franchise every year, and WWE 2K14 promises to be the biggest and best one EVER!! Reliving 30 Years of WrestleMania alone is worth the price tag. The first time in this game’s history that we get to play as The Ultimate Warrior (other than a user created one, that is). You get the Warrior is a pre-order bonus this year, but he will most likely be released later on as downloadable content. Tons of new superstars and Divas to choose from, including the biggest selection of Legends ever seen before. Play as The Undertaker and defend your undefeated streak, or go against the Deadman and try to break the streak!


Challenge accepted! Shut up and take my money!!



And, there you have it. We have reached the point where I have run out of things to talk about. Yep, happened already. I warned you it was going to be a short one. If you didn’t believe me before, you sure as Hell better start now! This ship is about to sail, and your ass better be on it!


I’ll catch you back here next time, troops. Until then….YOU’RE DISMISSED!!



Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)


Until next time, this is The Sarge…..reminding you: If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears, don’t invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth!


The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter:@The_Sarge_F4W

Gregs Have A Nice Day

Hey everyone, how are you doing this week?! I’m doing okay. I had some sort of stomach bug this past weekend and it really got me good. But I feel better now(knocks on wood). Anyway there have been a few things since the last blog I did that have happened in pro wrestling so let’s get down to it! 🙂


We still don’t have a WWE Champion. Both Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton went to a no contest because of The Big Show. Which was a really waste of a main event for a PPV. A lot of fans were upset with the outcome of the match. So now we have another match setup for the Hell In The Sell. This time there is a twist! It will be a special guest referee and that is HBK. And HBK says there will be a winner and new WWE Champion. So are there any guesses?! Who do you think will win? Orton? Or Bryan? Who knows for sure. Or will HBK turn heel and join Triple H and Steph? I don’t really want to see the latter because that would be too predicable. I hope HBK calls it down the middle but we will see.


The other big news coming out these few weeks…John Cena is apparently healed and is ready to get back into the ring. He will face Alberto Del Rio for the World Championship. This match could be good. I don’t really want Cena to win the title as soon as he gets back but I don’t really find Alberto that great as World Champ. So I kinda rather see Cena win it. Hopefully Cena won’t hold onto the belt for a long time. He doesn’t really need the championship. He is already over and he should help out someone else get over. Maybe Sandow will cash in his MITB brief case and beat Cena? That could work.


Some Jake The Snake Roberts news for you. Jake has a radio show. You can watch it on youtube. I watched some of it. It was pretty entertaining. I highly recommend checking it out if you get a chance. Enjoy!


Cody Rhodes and Goldust beat The Shield for the WWE Tag Team Championship. That is a good thing! They had some help from The Big Show when he came through the stands and ended up knocking out The Shield. It is good to see Cody being used well. He is a great talent. I always liked him ever since he started. I really hope he becomes WWE Champion at some point. He deserves it. I would love to see a Cena vs Rhodes feud. That would be pretty cool.


This past Monday on RAW Triple H made a comment about a few certain wrestlers including Canada’s own Chris Jericho and Edge that they weren’t really that “top guy”. If WWE let them be that top guy Triple H said WWE would probably be owned by WCW. He was telling this to Daniel Bryan and comparing him to them. Saying he will only be a “B Wrestler”. I really have a problem with Triple H not selling to other wrestlers. I hope they have a match in the future between Triple H and Bryan and I hope Bryan gets all of his heat back from H.


Chris Jericho recently announced he is starring in a new web series playing himself. It is loosely based on himself. It looks pretty funny(from the trailer I saw). Here is the trailer for you to check out!


Anyway that is it for me this month. I hope everyone enjoys the PPV this Sunday. You can check out my predictions and everyone else at the end of this wonderful blog. Have A Nice Day!! 🙂


You can reach me at and @blitz101 on Twitter. Also you can check out my tumblr at



Hell In A Cell

Kick-Off: -WWE Intercontinental Championship: C)Curtis Axel vs. Big E. Langston

Sarge’s Prediction: Big E. Langston

Diva’s Prediction: Curtis Axel

The Game’s Prediction: Curtis Axel

Greg’s Prediction: Curtis Axel


-WWE Tag Team Championship; Triple Threat Match:

C)Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. The Uso’s vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Sarge’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Diva’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

The Game’s Prediction: The Usos

Greg’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

-WWE Diva’s Championship: C) AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella

Sarge’s Prediction: Brie Bella

Diva’s Prediction: Brie Bella

The Game’s Prediction: Brie Bella

Greg’s Prediction: AJ Lee

-WWE Championship; Hell In A Cell Match, w/Special Referee Shawn Michaels:

Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton

Sarge’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Diva’s Prediction: Randy Orton (w/help from HBShizzel)

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Greg’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans

Sarge’s Prediction: Los Matadores

Diva’s Prediction: Los Matadores

The Game’s Prediction: Los Matadores (who gives a fuck anyways)

Greg’s Prediction: Los Matadores

-Handicap Match, Hell In A Cell: CM Punk vs. Ryback & Paul Heyman

Sarge’s Prediction: CM Punk

Diva’s Prediction: CM Punk

The Game’s Prediction: CM Punk

Greg’s Prediction: CM Punk

-World Heavyweight Championship Match: C)Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena

Sarge’s Prediction: John Cena

Diva’s Prediction: John Cena (oooh Shocker!!)

The Game’s Prediction: John Cena

Greg’s Prediction: John Cena

Well that’s it for us this month, we will see you next month for Survivor Series. I cannot go yet without saying Happy Anniversary to us! We have been doing this blog for 7 years now. I’ve had a great team all these years. So thank-you to all of you for reading and a very special thanks to my boys who help make this work. CHEERS!!!

Don’t do it like the gringos, do it like the Mexi-cans!”

-Vickie Guerrero to Alberto Del Rio on SmackDown 10/11/13

lol vickie

Baby Stratus News, Deaths & Wedding News and Battleground predictions AND MORE

October 6, 2013 1 comment

n Memory of

Gene “Cousin Luke” Petit

May 19 – September 29, 2013

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Hey welcome back! What’s going on? Fall is officially here, although I’m pretty sure it started making it’s appearance in August. It’s been a weird month since our last blog. Lots of good news and some bad.

For those unfamiliar with Cousin Luke, he was a member of Hillbilly Jim’s clan back in 1985-1986. Gene Petit portrayed a rather quiet southern who didn’t know how to wrestle. I’m not speaking ill of the dead, that was his gimmick. He could indeed wrestle. Hillbilly Jim is the only surviving member of his clan. Uncle Elmer died in 1992 of kidney failure, and Cousin Junior died in 2009 of a heart attack. Cousin Luke suffered from Multiple Sclerosis, as well as diabetes. We here at the Fatal 4-Way would like to send our best to his family and friends.

Cousin Luke

The Skirt Sheet

Well, wrestling aside this has been a very joyous week in the world of professional wrestling. So without a long winded entrance by yours truly, I’m just going to shut it and get to bidness, because that’s what’s best…(haha)!

Saturday September 28th, 2013: Congratulations to Brie Bella and Bryan Danielson (AKA Daniel Bryan) on their engagement. Before seeing them on Total Diva’s, I really thought mismatched, but after seeing them together, I realized that they are really cute together and that they both suit each other. Brie is definitely more down to earth than Nikki, and that is on par with how Daniel Bryan is in real life. I’m really happy for them.

Brie and Daniel engagement

Monday September 30th, 2013: Our favourite Canadian and Greatest WWE Diva, 2013 Hall of Fame Inductee, Trish Stratus…


gave birth to a baby boy, Maximus Stratus-Fisico. He came in at 8-pounds and 3-ounces. It was like we were anticipating Maximus’ arrival more than the Royal Baby in the Summer, whose name I have already forgotten. Whatever, it’s not like that baby is wrestling royalty. Nope, maybe one day we will see Maximus in the ring. Just so you know he’s stubborn. He was 9 days late.

maximus birth announcement

Congratulations to Trish & Ron, and to Max for scoring such an awesome mom in the parents pool.

Now unfortunately we have to go to some sad news.

September 18th, 2013: We lost a wonderful part of our extended wrestling family. Natalya and Tyson Kidd’s (TJ Wilson) beloved cat, Gizmo, died. You might have seen him featured prominently in Total Diva’s and anyone who follows both Tyson and Nattie on Twitter have probably seen tons of posts of Gizmo over the years. Last month or the month before I showed you a picture of him in his little tuxedo, which he wore when he walked Nattie down the aisle at her wedding to Tyson. Strangely enough Nattie and TJ’s wedding was the mid-season finale of Total Diva’s and that aired just three days before the loss of Gizmo. Over the last couple of years, I’ve come to love that cat. he was so cute and you could tell he was a good animal.

Gizmo collage

Rest In Peace Good Kitty!

OK Now on to business… Sorry about this, I really don’t know what to do as of this point on. Maybe I should just call it. Let the BITCH-FEST BEGIN!!!!

Again… No Wade Barrett. We are going on Week 6 with no Barrett. #BadNewsBarrett indeed people!!!

I understand as a wrestling fan, that I would love my future children to also be wrestling fans, providing it doesn’t get any shittier than it currently is, but when is too young to start taking your children to a live event? Personally I say anything under 7. This is definitely under the age of 7….

baby at RAW

I’m sorry, but here are multiple reasons why this is wrong; 1) Front row. People behind people on the floor, whether you’re in the front or second or third row, tend to be a bit pushy, especially when they want to get close to their favourite superstars. I can’t say that I wouldn’t lay the SmackDown on anything and anyone to get to Wade Barrett, but I might. Hell, I might do it without realizing. Next thing you know they are pulling me off his leg after a good dry hump session. 2) It’s fucking loud at these LIVE events. Pyro, screaming people, etc.. 3) Being in the front row or on the floor with small children, especially babies you run the risk of catching a flying fist when they fight close, on or in around the ringside area. Not safe. 4) Does that baby have to pay for a seat or does it get in for free, because if it gets in for free then I’m calling shenanigans. My wheel chair friend can’t get in for free and then pays eighty-bucks to sit in the goddamned nose bleed sections and that baby might get in for free and gets ringside? For Something that it will NEVER REMEMBER!!! To this I say… BAD Mother! BAD, BAD, BAD! Call children’s services because that is a horrible parent. Oh and 5) if there is a kid screaming and crying around me while I’m trying to listen to a promo, I might feel the urge to SNITSKY it (don’t know what that means, then…

Moving on…

This week a “new” tag team debuted. As some of you might know, this isn’t exactly a new tag team but one that failed in their previous gimmick (if they had one), and have now been repackaged as something way more dorkier. Primo and Epico, of the Colon family were on a major losing streak before. They also had a different manager, Rosa Mendes. I never really got the appeal of her, but then again, I don’t really care. They were repackaged as Diego (Primo) and Fernando (Epico) as Los Matadores. Their manager is different too, El Torito.

El Torito

It has to be said and I’m going to say it… Looks like Sin Cara got a new job! (I’m kidding it’s not actually Sin Cara). El Dorito is a midget lucha from Mexico. He is 4’5. At first I thought it might actually be Rosa Mendes, but El Tostito’s package was too small. So El Burrito comes down to the ring dressed in a bull outfit (as you see in the above photo), and Epico & Primo wave their capes like a bull fighter and El Fajita runs through it like a bull. This has to be one of the dumbest gimmicks since Santino Marella’s cobra hand puppet. They resurrect Tito Santana’s failed gimmick of El Matador, and made it plural, then they modified Manatour’s costume for El Camino. I give it a month before they aren’t seen on television anymore, except Superstars.

WHAT THE FUCK is going on with Paul Heyman spewing words of affection to Ryback on RAW this week? Was anyone else as uncomfortable as I was watching that? All the words he used were ones that might be said in a same-sex marriage proposal, and if it was suppose to sound like that then they were mocking it. When Heyman got down on one knee, I rolled my eyes so much that I could see that the back of my skull had some cob webs that seriously needed dusting…with Pledge.

 Heyman_Ryback wtf

Would you believe this was my face…

 How I felt about RAW the last few months

Hey, Big E Langston still has a job! Hadn’t seen him for a while so I was kind of hoping that he got canned. Out of everyone that ever picks up the microphone in a wrestling ring and say a lot or little, Big E is the WORST TALKER IN THE HISTORY OF THE BUSINESS…yes, even worse than Ahmed Johnson and Adam Bomb. Is it just me or is his titties bigger than mine??

 Langstons Titties

I sense a kidnapping angle coming on. Yep, I have a feeling that Randy Orton will kidnap Brie Bella, sooner or later.

Today I bounced on down to the Hammertown Comicon. That’s just a fancy way of saying Hamilton Comicon, but to be honest, Niagara Falls is WAY better. However, instead of waiting 2 to 3 hours to meet a wrestler, I go there and waited 15 minutes to meet one of the best female wrestlers there is…


Mickie James. My boyfriend’s niece wanted to meet her too, but she doesn’t know that Mickie’s a wrestler, she just wanted to meet her because she’s pretty and has an action figure. Lol!! Mickie was neat. She signed my action figure, and I bought her second CD, “Somebody’s Gonna Pay”, and she signed that too. Other than Beth Phoenix, I can’t really think of another female wrestler I want to meet. Oh wait, Molly Holly, and maybe Ivory. Yeah cuz the rest are dead now. Oh great, now I’m sad.

Anyways, moving on, but moving to my closing words. Which I don’t have any. But I shall leave you with this…


Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!

Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at

Check me out on Tumblr:

OR, hit me up on Twitter: @F4WDiva


***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***


Alright then, troopers! Another few weeks down…..God knows how many more to go. Thing is, nobody knows when this crazy ride will end. Next month, the Fatal 4-Way will celebrate its 7th year in existence. You saw that right. SEVEN YEARS!! Hard to believe we have been doing this for that damn long, but we gotta be doing something right, because we are still here, and we’re showing no signs of letting up, people!

The key to such longevity is having the world’s greatest bunch of super troopers working with me. Past and present, this team has seen members come and go, and come back again. This group isn’t the same as it was when we first began this blog, but our strength has never faltered. It’s all about the quality of the people we recruit to partake in this madness with us. You have all made a difference in the product we turn out every week (or every month, as the current case may be), and you all have brought your own special style and contributions that have resulted in the overall success of the blog that you see here today….and a key factor as to why this thing is still going strong after such an impressive length of time!

The Sarge salutes each and every one of you!!

Okay, people. What’s new??

Oh yeah. This……………….


WWE’s newest tag team, Los Matadorks. I mean, Matadores. Ya know what? It doesn’t matter. Look at these guys! Pink jock strap masks on their heads, hand-me-downs from Tito Santana’s closet of old gimmick ring gear….and what the fuck is the deal with the midget in the bull suit? He looks like what would happen if Mantaur got it on with Giant Gonzales. The way he jumps and flips all over the ring ropes, he looks more like a monkey with horns.

This looks like such a burial gimmick. It reeks of the complete lack of imagination WWE Creative has suffered from for years. Hey! The 80’s called. They said….nah, you can keep this one. We don’t want it back!

Oddly enough, if WWE isn’t piping in crowd reactions from other parts of the show to make it seem like anyone really gives a flaming cowpie about these goofs, I would almost think the fans actually like them to an extent. But, WWE has a way of editing in cheer tracks to make the crowd seem to pop for something they were actually dead for in reality. If I was there, and I saw this….complete with the crazy bull-monkey-midget thing flopping all over the place, I’d be completely silent and too busy rolling my eyes to really see what was going on. That’s the problem with WWE fans today. The same people who cheer for guys like this are the same ones who mark out every time Cena is in the building. People today just don’t know what’s good anymore.

I really don’t want to think that Daniel Bryan is spending his free time under Vince’s desk with Brie Bella, but he is getting the push from Hell lately! Wins the WWE Championship, then loses it to Orton….feuds with Orton and Triple H, wins the title back, then has it stripped. This is all high profile stuff. With Cena out of the picture, Bryan is having the highlight of his career! There is even talk that Daniel Bryan is slated to win the 2014 Royal Rumble. So, this thing with Daniel Bryan doesn’t look to be ending any time soon. That can be good, and bad. Good, because Bryan is not Cena, and I actually like him, though his chanting can get annoying at times. The “bad” part of all this is that he may become Cena-esque in his presence in our lives, and we will get sick of him being shoved down our throats as badly as we have in the past with Cena! I can see it happening, and it worries me. I like Daniel Bryan. I think he is a genuinely good person with a good heart, and I don’t want to see him being transformed by WWE into “Cena with a beard”.


I am so in love with this, I can barely find the words to fit the way I feel. Trish Stratus gave birth to her son, as you can see by the announcement posted above. This kid won the baby lottery! His Mom is someone extremely special. He has no idea how great his life is going to be, especially with a Mom as amazing as Trish. No, I am not simply gushing because of my undying crush on that marvelous woman. I know what kind of a person Trish Stratus is, and I have the best feeling that she is going to be the World Champion of Mothers to this wonderful little man of hers!

I wonder if Maximus will take on an interest in becoming a WWE superstar. We need to have her people call my people, and get Maximus and Kaden training together. Future tag team champions, y’all!!


Okay, enough with the delusions of grandeur. A father can dream, can’t he? I know my son is awesome, and he will kick butt at anything he puts his mind to. Guess wrestling is just close to my heart, and I think it would be surreal to watch Kaden competing in a match on TV some day. Not that I am pushing him in any one direction. Ewww…I just said “one direction”, and I had a thought of that God awful boy band. Anyway, I will fully support my son in whatever interest of his he wishes to pursue.

My interests have included “sports entertainment” for as long as I can remember. That’s a big part of why working on this blog, and bringing the “honest brutality” of Sarge’s Boot Camp to all our faithful readers continues to be a real treat for me. After all these years, I can only hope that it is just as much fun for you to read as it is for me to kick it out to you each and every time the Boot Camp is open for business!

The next PPV is only a few short weeks away…because WWE wants to bleed us all dry of every penny, even in this failing economy, apparently. So, until then, just hold tight and hope for the best.

Your friendly neighborhood Sarge will always be here! Until next time, troops….YOU’RE DISMISSED!!


Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)

Until next time, this is The Sarge…..reminding you: No matter how old, or bad ass you think you are, when a toddler hands you a ringing toy phone…you ANSWER IT!!

The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter:@The_Sarge_F4W

 The Game

F4W: Jon Jones UFC 165 Walk Out:

F4W: Bruce Buffer annoucing the winner of Jon Jones vs Alexander Gustafsson:

Gregs Have A Nice Day

Hey everyone, how are you doing this month? I have been all right. This month we have two PPVs so therefore we have two blogs to do. So let’s get this blog started shall we?!


First off this Sunday is WWE’s Battleground PPV. I don’t know who came up with the name for this PPV but it really stinks. To be honest I think this card is a little blah to me. There are only two matches that I’m really interested in and they are Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs The Shield and Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton. I really hope Cody Rhodes and Goldust end up winning their match. But I have a feeling this match could be a start of Cody vs Goldust. I heard in the past that Dustin wanted to do a storyline with his brother so I guess we will see if this happens.


Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton should be a good match. I’m going with Orton to win back the WWE Championship. I don’t think Bryan will get the WWE Championship until maybe Survivor Series. But you never know I could be wrong and Daniel does end up winning it at the PPV.


This past week on RAW we saw the debut of Los Matadores. These guys used to be Primo & Epico but now are repackaged as Matadores. Anyway they have a little guy called El Torito. I thought it was pretty funny when I saw El Torito join them. I wasn’t expecting that at all. It made their debut even more better. I”m not too sure how long they will last but look at Fangdango and how popular he has become. So who knows for sure.


Hulk Hogan finished up his stint with TNA this past week. If you didn’t know Hogan’s contract with TNA has expired. He may sign back but it all comes down the mighty dollar. TNA has been cutting back talents and other areas because ever since Hogan and Bischoff joined TNA they have lost a lot of money. So if Hogan wants to stay with TNA he may have to take a pay decrease. So the rumour mill is that Hogan may end back with WWE for WrestleMania 30. If that happens, I hope he is just used as a host. We don’t need to see him wrestle.


Anyway that’s it for me for this blog. I hope I will have more for you guys for the Hell In A Cell blog later this month. Until then Have a nice day! 🙂


You can reach me on Twitter @blitz101 or e-mail at



-Kick-off: Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow

Sarge’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

Diva’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

The Game’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

Greg’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler

-Word Heavyweight Championship; Hardcore Rules: C)Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam

Sarge’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

Diva’s Prediction: Rob Van Dam (Damien Sandow cashes in and wins)

The Game’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio (Damien Sanddow cashes in)

Greg’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

-WWE Intercontinental Championship: C) Curtis Axel vs. R-Truth

Sarge’s Prediction: Curtis Axel

Diva’s Prediction: Curtis Axel

The Game’s Prediction: R-Truth

Greg’s Prediction: Curtis Axel

Kofi Kingston vs. Bray Wyatt

Sarge’s Prediction: Bray Wyatt

Diva’s Prediction: Bray Wyatt

The Game’s Prediction: Bray Wyatt

Greg’s Prediction: Bray Wyatt

Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Sarge’s Prediction: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Diva’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

The Game’s Prediction: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Greg’s Prediction: Cody Rhodes & Goldust

-WWE Diva’s Championship: C) AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella

Sarge’s Prediction: Brie Bella

Diva’s Prediction: Brie Bella (DQ)

The Game’s Prediction: Brie Bella

Greg’s Prediction: AJ Lee

-Grudge Match: CM Punk vs. Ryback

Sarge’s Prediction: Ryback

Diva’s Prediction: CM Punk

The Game’s Prediction: Ryback

Greg’s Prediction: CM Punk

-WWE Championship: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton

Sarge’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

Diva’s Prediction: Daniel Bryan

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Greg’s Prediction: Randy Orton

We shall see you in a few weeks for the WWE Hell In A Cell pay-per-view. If you are asking yourself, why the WWE added this one, then you are asking the same question that we are all asking. Seems like a perfectly good waste of a Sunday evening. Well now that Dexter is officially over, there isn’t much else. I don’t have a wrestling related quote for you but I do have a glee one that nearly made me pee my pants laughing…

 Quote of the Week pic

Post WrestleMania weeks, Ziggler, & Extreme Rules Predictions

00 f4w2012banner

This past month, a lot has happened. It has seemed like a long space between WrestleMania 29 and this month’s Extreme Rules. The break was nice but now it’s time to get back to business and getting stuff done. As usual, we’re here and we alsor brought our Extreme Rules predictions for this Sunday May 19, 2013. So lets roll the footage monkies…

The Skirt Sheet

Don’t you hate it when you have a tough decision to make, and there is no one around to bounce that decision off of? This month I seem to be struggling with the decision of if this months Fatal 4-Way is going to have a normal edition of The Skirt Sheet or a Dexter Skirt Sheet edition? And when Dexter finishes, then do I still refer these murderous editions as “Dexter Skirt Sheet”? Anyways, for now, it’s just a normal edition of the Skirt Sheet, but I have the right to change it part way through if the mood should take me that way. For now, I’ll shut it and get to bidness.


A HUGE Congratulations to my idol, Trish Stratus on the announcement that she and her husband, Ron, are expecting their first baby this coming September. Ron, was probably received the biggest heel pop of the night at the 2013 Hall of Fame Induction ceremony whenever Trish mentioned him. I sort of had a feeling but the way my feelings have been lately, I wasn’t sure enough to say anything, but I was still surprised and happy for her. C’mon, that baby is super lucky. He or she will have the coolest mom ever.


As fans, we all have certain expectations, and well I think the day after WrestleMania 29, all blew our expectations out of the water. It wasn’t even the match quality or stories the Superstars were telling in the ring, it was the fans. OMG! How long has it been since we’ve seen fans that loud at a WWE event? They certainly weren’t that loud at the biggest event of the wrestling industry the night before. WrestleMania’s crowd was relatively dead (more on that sad story later). And also, who would have thought that Fandango would become the most popular superstar of then entire week?!


His entrance song was hummed all through his match on the Monday after RAW, then all through the end of the show, and in the New York Subways, all over the Internet via YouTube, sporting events, news casts, DJ’s mixing the song with other tunes. And it hasn’t stopped. I have even changed my ring tone to “ChaChaLaLa”. My boyfriend is ready to kill me, and I had a young gentleman with Downs call me retarded. Lmao! But hey, the damn song is catchy! Do I hate, that it’s constantly stuck in my head? Yes! Do I hate that every time I go to edit my mii on my Wii that I have to hear a song that is so similar that I feel like dancing? Ahh, yeah! But I have fandangoed in places that I never thought I would fandango before. On my best friend’s couch, at my parents and right in front of them too. I fandangoed at the mall, during dinner, and while washing my apartment floor. I have fandangoed in the car on more than one occasion. I just can’t stop fandgoing myself all the time.


While I’m at it, what is with the revolving door of Fandan-girls? The original brunette was replaced by NXT Diva, Summer Rae. We’ve gone from Brunette to Blonde. I don’t like this. I actually really prefer the brunette. The one with no name. The one I’ve just referred to as the Fandan-girl. Who do you prefer??


Personally, the brunette has the look the fits in better with Fandango’s character. She has a classic beauty mixed with this sneer that is borderline cocky and almost, dare I say, evil. Whereas the blonde, Summer Rae, looks to happy and peppy to be a heel’s valet/dancer. Even her name is happy and peppy. DOWN WITH THE HAPPY AND PEPPY people please! There is no room on this earth for cheerleaders, that’s why the WWE got rid of the Spirit Squad. I just hope that the brunette Fandan-girl ends up being more permanent.


So this past week on RAW, Sheamus was in a match with my Wade Barrett, who will be discussed a bit more later, and Mark Henry was at ringside and after the match was over, decided to make the pasty Irishman his whipping boy. Kinky, right? Well not if you are an Albino…


Ouch mother fucker! God that has to sting. My back is stingy just looking at it.

The Skirt Sheet Dexter edition



Since I didn’t have enough to do a full edition, lets just do this mini-edition of the Dexter list…



1) WrestleMania 29 was horrible! The entire card sucked, with the exception of CM Punk vs. Undertaker, and even Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar managed to hold my attention. Everything else was predictable. I basically got all the matches right except for Ryback vs. Mark Henry. Good thing I didn’t give a flying monkey shit about that fucking match. Like seriously what the hell is going on with the WWE’s creative team? Are they not on enough pot? Because maybe the McMahon’s should allow them to start smoking it, because then they could create shit that is much more entertaining than what they forced us to pay $74 with tax and sit through 4 hours of NO ENTERTAINMENT AT ALL!!!!! Do you think I could find the YouTube link to the ONE match that wasn’t Undertaker/Punk related that I wanted to see? No! I still haven’t seen Wade Barrett vs. The Miz. And at this point, what the hell is the bloody point, since that match wasted everyone’s time when The Miz dropped the Intercontinental championship back to Wade Barrett the following night on the RAW that was 10-TIMES better than Wrestle-fucking-Mania!


It’s not like the shit event was a surprise, because if you go back, you could tell from reading my stuff that I wasn’t all that high up on the card to begin with but it was a huge ass belly flop into an empty cement pool.


2) Wade Barrett. Whoever is booking his matches suck. I went an ENTIRE week (April 29-May 6) without a match of his. Then I’ve had two matches since then. The booking team needs a kick in the pants.


3) Speaking of Booking/Creative… This is a conversation that I recently had with Greg about the non-WWE Championship titles that are currently floating, yes floating, around the WWE. If you don’t have the WWE Championship (that’s the belt the moronic and talentless John Cena is currently carrying around for all you slow people out there), then you mean jack shit. Doesn’t matter if you are the World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion or United States champion, you are likely going to lose your non-title matches all of the time. If you’re Diva’s champion, well hell, the WWE has proven that they wipe their ass with the BUTT-erfly belt. Why else would it look like shit and be around the waist of poop particles they call women wrestlers these days (granted, I don’t hate Kaitlyn). The booking and creative, as well as the McMahon’s must be wiping their asses with all the other belts too. No one cares about them, but us fans. I would rather see Kofi Kingston defend his United States championship, against virtually anyone, then see John Cena defend the title against steroid induced, stupidly named bald freaks, any day of the week. I would rather see Team Hell No with a better tag team name and defend their tag team championships against The Shield or well, who else is there? See! There are not many tag teams out there even for Kane and Daniel Bryan to face. Proof they don’t care about the Tag Team championships. It’s sad that the state of every championship title belt, with the exception of the WWE championship, means nothing. Because it means something to me.


Hey, I said these were borderline Dexter, not 100% Dexter lists. I might be able to go back to normal… No wait, I got more…


4) Mark Henry. Why do the WWE think we care if Mark Henry can lift weights, or play a playground game like tug-o-war, or arm wrestle, or pull 2 tractor-trailers “20-feet”? Isn’t this suppose to be wrestling? Why isn’t he wrestling? Right, he can’t! Pardon my ignorance. Did anyone notice that after he pulled the two tractor-trailers, that no one in the entire arena gave a shit?? Most of their faces were completely dead panned.


5) Of all the stupid things that I’ve sat through in the past month, I was looking forward to one stupid thing in particular. The dance-off between Fandango & his partner of the week and Chris Jericho & Dancing With The Stars Pro-Dancer, Edyta Sliwinska. Problem was, Fandango can’t actually dance and neither can Summer Rae who was there for Fandang-girl. Apparently the anonymous Fandang-girl is a pro-dancer and student and had finals. But the WWE does plan on alternating dancers for a the time being. Anyways, because of this, Summer Rae faked an ankle injury enough to distract Jericho and Sliwinska, which lead to Fandango attacking Jericho. Is it sad that I was actually looking forward to this dance off? Please don’t answer that, just feel sorry for me…

RAW Dance off

BTW, Fandango, the Disco-era called, they want their outfit back!


As for this Pay-Per-View that is this Sunday, I’m not really sure how things will pan out. Either way, I’m not going to be happy with either out come of the WWE Championship match, and the one match I was looking forward to, is now not happening because Dolph Ziggler suffered a concussion that will keep him out of Extreme Rules. So no Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. I am, however interested in seeing how the Shield does all separated, with Dean Ambrose taking on Kofi Kingston for his United States Championship and Seth Rollins pairing up with Roman Reigns to take on Team Hell No for the Tag Team Championship. Personally it’s a no brainer how this will end. Then again, sometimes I find that I’m wrong, although not very often. I was only wrong on one match at WrestleMania 29 after-all. I could have made a lot of money.


I think that’s it for me for this month. Happy 40th Birthday to my brother, Adam, who had his birthday this past Tuesday. I’m so glad you’re 40 and not me! Haha! Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!


Wanna a Piece of Diva? Email her at

Check me out on Tumblr:


OR, hit me up on Twitter: @F4WDiva

The Game

F4W#188: Rosa Mendes Sent Home, WrestleMania big money and more:

Gregs Have A Nice Day

Hey everyone, how are you all doing?! It seems like forever since I wrote a blog about Professional Wrestling. I guess with WrestleMania being in April and the next PPV not until May 19th it has been a long time. Well nothing really that exciting has happened really. But let’s get on with this show shall we?

WrestleMania 29 sucked. Plain and simple. We all pretty much knew that was going to be bad. It was really bad. John Cena won the WWE Championship in probably one of the worse matches I have ever seen him in. It is too bad The Rock got injured from the match. We may never see The Rock again in the ring wrestling. It is such a shame because he is one of the best performers. The Triple H/Brock Lesnar match was a snore fest. It went on longer than it should of. I felt bad for them because they did put a lot of effort into the match but because CM Punk VS The Undertaker stole the show anything after them was pretty much meh.

Fandango VS Chris Jericho was okay. The most entertaining part of the match was when everyone in the crowd started singing to Fandango’s theme song! That was pretty cool and funny!

The Undertaker VS CM Punk stole the show. It was by far the best match of the night. I like how it turned out and The Undertaker is still undefeated. I’m also happy The Undertaker didn’t get injured from it as well. But CM Punk wasn’t so lucky. He hurt his knees and now he is out of action. There is no time table for Punk to return to action.

Alberto Del Rio beat Jack Swagger in a pretty good match. I’m glad the right person won. But Del Rio didn’t hold onto the World Championship much longer after his big win. Dolf Ziggler cashed in his MITB briefcase the next night on RAW and became the new World Champion.

One thing that does stick out was the fans the next night on RAW. They were so funny and having a blast at the show. It made the show even more special. I have to admit I was really enjoying the crowd more than the actual wrestling that was going on the show. This is pretty bad when you think about it.

I mean WWE should be putting on more creative product but right now we’re getting what Vince thinks we want. I really can’t wait until Triple H and Stephanie take over from Vince. I know the product will change for the better. I believe they could do great things with it if given the chance. But Vince will never let it go. He needs to take an extended vacation I think.

Extreme Rules PPV is this Sunday. The main event is John Cena VS Ryback in a Last Man Standing match. I could really care less who wins this match because I’m not really a fan of either one. But I put down Ryback as my prediction. You can read the rest of the card down below with our predictions. It looks like a fun card. It could turn out to be better than WrestleMania 29 if booked right.

In a few weeks Diva and I are going to be meeting Mick Foley. He is scheduled for Comic Con in Niagara Falls. Last year it was Bret Hart. I’m looking forward to it. The Million Dollar Man is going to be there too. I would like to meet him as well. I have heard lots of good things about him. So it should be interesting to see them both. So my question to you what should I ask Mick Foley and The Million Dollar Man when I meet them?! Tweet me at @blitz101 with your questions! J

I was watching this youtube video about Jake The Snake Roberts and his come back from weight lost and being sober. I am really proud of him. I think what he is doing is great and I really want to see him succeed. He really has put in a lot of effort into it and it seems to be paying off. His dream is to return to WWE at the 2014 Royal Rumble. He wants to win it but I would just be happy to see him in it and leave on his own terms. I want to see the old Jake Roberts who I loved as a kid. I hope WWE is able to come to terms with him and invite him to be part of the Royal Rumble.

On May 27th RAW will be live from Calgary Alberta Canada. You know what that means?! If you guess HBK will be part of Bret Hart’s appreciation night then you are correct! Wait what I am I saying?! Did I just say HBK is going to be at a Bret Hart appreciation night?! Yes I did. It is really true. This is no April fool’s joke. We probably won’t see live on RAW but I’m sure the fans in Calgary can’t wait to see HBK! LOL This is the first time where Bret Hart and HBK will be together in Canada since the Montreal Screwjob. So I hope HBK is prepared for whatever the fans have for him because I’m sure it won’t be pretty! Haha

This is really non-wrestling news but I thought I would like to share. Last weekend I saw Iron Man 3 and I thought it was really good. If you guys love those types of movies and if you’re a fan of Robert Downy Jr. then I suggest you check it out!

I think that’s all I really want to write about for this month. So I will see ya later! You can reach me @blitz101 or check out my tumbler

Have a Nice Day! J


***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***


 Salutations, scallywags!

Is it that time already? Seem like only a little over a month ago, we were all sitting here yakking about WrestleMania. Oh….right. It was about that long ago. Mah bad! Time has really been flying by for me lately. When we last met up, I told you about how I had recently moved back to my hometown (of sorts) with my wife and munchkins. Well, things are going great so far. I even got a new job. I started working it just last Monday night. No, I didn’t debut on RAW. I wish! This is my “retirement job”. What’s that? It’s a little piece of crap, BS job someone gets after they retire from a previous career just to give them something to do and bring in a little extra income aside from their retirement check. This is exactly the kind of job I wanted after I left my IT service desk job back in Virginia. Something not having to do with computers or help desks, or having to sit in front of a computer getting my ear bitched off by whiny cunts who can barely spell “e-mail” to begin with. Can ya tell I’m a little bitter about that? I’ve had to deal with that kind of job for years, so when I had some control over where I could apply for work, I looked for a more “hands-on” kind of thing. Factory work. Something where I could work with my hands and feel like I earned my money every day after I came home. Sure, it can be a bit on the tedious side, and my body isn’t used to the physical side of it just yet. Being a desk jockey for 20 years can really take its toll on your ability to exert yourself for 12 hours a night. But, I am sure I will get used to it. I have only worked two nights so far. 6AM – 6PM overnight shifts. I busted my ass on the first night trying to prove myself to my co-workers, but I think I pushed a bit too hard since I was in agony from my shoulders to the soles of my feet even before I got off shift that morning. The following night, I got lucky and was put in a very easy section where I barely had to put forth much effort at all. On top of that, we kicked out so much of the product in the first half of the night, they basically ran out of stuff for us to do, so the boss sent most of us home early! Can’t beat that! Now, after my two days off, I am looking to go back into work tomorrow (Friday) night with a fully healed body, all refreshed and pretty much pain-free. If I watch my hydration and nutrition when I am at work, and take care of myself when I am off, I should be fine. Nobody ever said a factory job was for pussies! It’s hard, sweaty work…but all that makes it feel so much more worthwhile knowing I am doing it all for the greater good of my family. They are my life, and I love the idea of working hard for their benefit. The smiles on my son’s and daughter’s face are all the justification I need. Of course, my wife is making the reward visible to me as well. She just got our cable system upgraded the other night so we can get more channels. It’s something we talked about before either of us got a job. So, now we can do that since I am working again! I think it’s totally sweet! Another treat was that we got to have Chinese food for dinner tonight. It’s the little things in life, ya know! I don’t need to make six figures and be dripping in bling to feel like a success. As long as my family is happy and well taken care of, that’s all the reason I need to hold my head up and feel like I am doing something right in my life! J

Anyway, I guess there is something wrestling related to talk about. Funny, but it seems like if you see something happening one week, it pretty much happens the whole month until the next PPV. Not a whole lot really changes one week to the next anymore. That makes it easy for me and my fellow blog-a-maniacs in the 4-Way to keep spun up on “current events”. It’s not rocket surgery, people!

I have to feel bad for Dolph Ziggler. The poor fucker waits almost a whole year to cash in his Money In The Bank contract, and when he finally does on the night after WrestleMania….HE WINS! Shocker!! Unless your name is John Cena, you’re going to win when you cash in your MITB shot. It’s practically guaranteed! It was the biggest thing to happen all year in WWE, and the highlight of Ziggler’s career. But, here we are on the weekend of the next PPV after WrestleMania. Just a month after he wins the “big one”, and what’s this?? Ziggler has a serious concussion and will now be OUT of the title match at Extreme Rules. What the actual fuck is this shit?? Seriously?? This is the kind of luck I would expect to have in life. Ziggler has to feel like he just got buried by the business end of a Brontosaurus. The end where the Bronto does his “business”, folks. I think you know what I mean. It’s a poop joke. You’re welcome!


Bottom line, it’s a fucking shame that Ziggler is getting screwed because of someone else’s sloppy actions in the ring.


Hey! Don’t try this at home, kids!



Okay, what else? Oh yeah. The Bellas are back, and it looks like one of them has brought a new set of “twins” along with her. Holy fun bags, Batman!! I don’t see how they can pull off “Twin Magic” anymore unless the refs are all gay and don’t lock eyes immediately on the chest of the woman lying flat on her back in the ring. If you’re a guy, and you like women, chances are your “boob-dar” is fully functional 24/7. One Bella gets knocked down, ref gets distracted, bigger boobed Bella (Triple B) swaps with her sister to fool the ref. News flash, bozo! Women don’t have air bags that go off in their chests on impact. The woman who suddenly has bigger tits than she did 5 seconds ago is NOT the same one, ya freakin’ dingleberry!!


Oh, WWE! Why do you insult our intelligence like this?


Mark Henry broke a world record last week on SmackDown! It’s fucking amazing!! He made me care less about the breaking of a world record than anyone else in recent history. Truly record breaking, indeed!



I’m sorry, but every time I hear “Ryback Rules”, I can’t help thinking about the O’Doyle family from the movie “Billy Madison”.


I want Adam Sandler to make a cameo appearance this Sunday and tell Ryback, “I’ve got a feeling your whole family’s going down.”


Maybe John Cena will be the banana peel on Ryback’s road to success. You’d have to watch the movie to understand. Those of you who get my drift here….I salute you!



Alright, peeps. I think I’ll take this as a good place to quit while I am ahead. I hope you enjoy this “pre-Extreme Rules” edition of the Fatal 4-Way….and this month’s Boot Camp, inparticular. If you don’t give a shit, then I must be wasting my time. Ha ha ha… But, I know you all love this stuff. Why else would you keep coming back?


Well, eat it up, little piggies! I dish it out just for you. I’ll see you all back here next time, troops. Take care, and enjoy the PPV, if you are so inclined. Until we meet again, ladies and germs….YOU’RE DISMISSED!!



Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)


Until next time, this is The Sarge…..wondering: When a bird hits your window, have you ever wondered if God is playing Angry Birds with you??


The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter:@The_Sarge_F4W


Extreme Rules

-Pre-Show: The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes

Sarge’s Prediction: The Miz

Diva’s Prediction: The Miz

The Game’s Prediction: The Miz

Greg’s Prediction: The Miz


-WWE United States Championship: C) Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose

Sarge’s Prediction: Dean Ambrose

Diva’s Prediction: Dean Ambrose (sorry Kofi)

The Game’s Prediction: Dean Ambrose

Greg’s Prediction: Kofi Kingston

-Extreme Rules Match: Randy Orton vs. The Big Show

Sarge’s Prediction: Big Show

Diva’s Prediction: Randy Orton

The Game’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Greg’s Prediction: Randy Orton

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango’s

Sarge’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

Diva’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

The Game’s Prediction: Fandango

Greg’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

-#1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship; I Quit Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Sarge’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

Diva’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

The Game’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

Greg’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

-WWE Tag Team Championship; Tornado Tag Match:

C) Team Hell No vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Sarge’s Prediction: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Diva’s Prediction: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

The Game’s Prediction: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Greg’s Prediction: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

-Strap Match: Sheamus vs. Mark Henry

Sarge’s Prediction: Mark Henry

Diva’s Prediction: Sheamus

The Game’s Prediction: Sheamus

Greg’s Prediction: Mark Henry

-Steel Cage Match: Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

Sarge’s Prediction: Triple H

Diva’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

The Game’s Prediction: Triple H

Greg’s Prediction: Triple H

-WWE Championship; Last Man Standing: C) John Cena vs. Ryback

Sarge’s Prediction: Ryback

Diva’s Prediction: John Cena

The Game’s Prediction: Ryback

Greg’s Prediction: Ryback

That’s it for us for this month. It seems like there has been so much time since WrestleMania, but that has turned out a great thing for us. A break can be nice to regenerate our creative juices. See you next month for the new WWE pay-per-view Pay Back on June 16th.

He’s a wrestling guy who looks like a goat & whose partner wears a mask, and you’re calling Ambrose the eccentric one?” – JBL to Michael Cole on the WWE ap during RAW May 13, 2013


WrestleMania 29 Edition w/Our Event Predictions + Owen Hart news!!!

In Memory of

Richard Reid Fliehr

February 26, 1988 to March 29, 2013

00 f4w2012banner

Two blogs in a row and we have to start of with a “In Memory Of”. Lets hope May’s Fatal 4-Way starts off with happy thoughts. In case some of you are new, Richard Reid Fliehr is better known as Reid Flair, the 24 year old son of wrestling legend Ric Flair. The youngest of the Flair clan hasn’t exactly lived the life of an angel, but none the less didn’t deserve to have his life cut short after only 24 years. He had a lot of time to fix his life a head of him. The only story out there about what happened is that he was found dead in bed at a hotel in North Carolina and that foul play has been ruled out but no official cause of death as of yet. Likely from his his sordid history, it’s not to hard to figure out what happened. Who are we to speculate. On behalf of the other Fatal 4-Way members, we would like to send our condolences to the Flair family.

Reid Flair

I hate to give the impression of this months edition to be a downer but with the way WrestleMania 29 has been booked, it was already out of my control. Lol!! So lets see if we can’t breathe some life into this months edition.

The Game

F4W#179: Triple H Retiring? UFC 158 Thoughts:

F4W#180: 10 Days Away From WrestleMania29:
F4W#181: 9 days away from WrestleMania 29 + Reid Flair dead at 24:

F4W#182: 8 days away from WrestleMania 29 – Randy Orton as a heel:

F4W#183: 7 days away from WrestleMania 29:

F4W#184: 6 days away from WrestleMania 29 + RAW thoughts:

F4W#185: 5 days away from WrestleMania 29:

F4W#186: 4 days away from WrestleMania 29:

F4W#187: John Morrison’s Entrance from PWS:
Gregs Have A Nice Day

Hey everyone, how are you doing these days? I’m doing pretty well thanks. I celebrated my birthday last weekend and I had so much fun! I ate a lot of food (almost too much) but I managed to get all in! LOL One thing I like about my birthday I get to share it with Diva and Lucy Lawless! Yes two great Divas! Haha Don’t you think Diva should dress up as Xena? Lmao! I’m sure Mat would like it! 😉

Gregs photo

Anyway onto the wrestling! I’m sad to announce the passing of two professional wrestling personalities. One who will always be a legendary manager and the other who died way too young and will never get a chance to be a legend like his father? I’m talking about Paul “Bill Moody” Bearer and Reid Flair. I always remember Paul Bearer as a great sometimes spooky manager of The Undertaker and Kane. He had such a personality and he was really well loved by many people in the wrestling business. I have never read any negative stories about Paul Bearer. He was always a class act when it comes to wrestling. Unfortunally I don’t really know anything about Reid Flair except he was the son of the Legendary Ric Flair. I know Ric was very proud of his son. I think a lot of people thought Reid had what it took to become a great wrestler. He was apparently on his way in to the WWE. They were just waiting for him to finish up his stints with All Japan. I really hope Reid’s family and friends and fans can find some sort of comfort with this tragic loss. I know it is going to be a very difficult time for everyone.

So WrestleMania 29 is this weekend! Are you excited about it?! I’m not really! LOL Too be honest there are only two matches I’m looking forward to and none of them are the Championship matches! How sad is that?! I think it is pretty sad. It seems as though WWE has dropped the ball for this build for WM. The only thing that looks decent is The Undertaker VS CM Punk. The other match which should be solid is Brock Lesnar VS Triple H. Other than that everything else seems to be meh!

WWE has done everything right to build up CM Punk against The Undertaker. Using Paul Bearer’s passing in this match just made it more personal for The Undertaker. He now wants revenge from Punk for making fun of Paul Bearer and taking the Urn which “has” Paul’s ashes in. If you saw RAW this week you know Punk dumped Paul’s “ashes” all over The Undertaker. Of course we know it isn’t really Paul’s ashes but it makes the storyline a little bit more believable. I guess Paul Bearer’s son gave permission to the WWE to use their father in this storyline. I’m glad they said it was okay because I’m sure their Dad is pretty happy with how this angle has turned out for the most part. One thing though I want The Undertaker to win his matches and continues his streak. On a side note in a recent Q&A on Bret Hart’s facebook page he was asked if he could still wrestle who would he love to wrestle at WM?! He said The Undertaker. He said he would love to try to beat his streak. I always liked their matches that they had in the past and if Bret Hart could still wrestle now I’m sure they could deliver a classic match at WrestleMania.

Moving along to the next match I’m looking forward to Brock Lesnar VS Triple H. These two guys went all out when they had their last match at last year’s SummerSlam. I’m sure they won’t disappoint this time either. I’m picking Triple H to win because I don’t really want to see him retire from wrestling yet. Of course retirement doesn’t really mean anything in Pro Wrestling. I like how they added HBK in this match. It is good Triple H has someone in his corner to stop Paul Heyman from doing anything.

The World Championship match between Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger should be all right. I like Del Rio as World Champion. He makes a great champ. I don’t want to see Swagger win the Championship. I could see Ziggler winning the championship after he cashes in. I wouldn’t have a problem with that. I believe Ziggler has proven himself over the last year that he deserves to be World Champion. Plus I wouldn’t mind seeing some Ziggler VS Del Rio matches.

The Rock VS John Cena for the WWE Championship should be okay. I don’t know if they can top their match from last year but I’m not really expecting anything big. I do see Cena going over and winning the WWE Championship. I believe the crowd will be behind The Rock and they will probably riot after WM when Cena wins. Unless WWE turns Cena heel I don’t think the fans will go home happy. Who knows I could be wrong and The Rock retains the WWE Championship.

The Shield VS Big Show, Sheamus and Randy Orton should be a good match wrestling wise. I think Orton will turn in this match and cost Big Show and Sheamus the match. I don’t want to see Orton become the Leader of The Shield but I want to see him just be a loner and heel. I believe it is time we see the return of heel version of Randy Orton. Don’t you guys think so?! It will be something fresh and he could feud with a lot of wrestlers such as Alberto Del Rio and John Cena etc. We shall see!

Chris Jericho VS Fandango should hopefully be a short and sweet match. As much as I love Jericho I just can’t stand this Fandango guy. I don’t know what Vince sees in him but what a waste of my time every time I see him on TV. I hope Jericho wins but I have a feeling he will put over Fandango. :S

I’m really shocked they aren’t putting The Miz VS Wade Barrett for the IC Championship on the actual PPV. If we want to see this match we have to watch the preshow. This sucks. Both of these guys deserve to be on the PPV. They are hard workers and they are over with the fans too! I’m taking Wade in this match just because I will be shocked if they do a title change on a preshow. The Miz has been improving and he is kinda on a roll so who knows for sure how this match will turn out.

Team Hell No VS Dolf and Easy E?! (Whatever his name is) should be a decent match. I think it is time for Kane and Daniel Bryan to drop the tag team titles. Why not do it at the biggest PPV of the year?! Then I think they should go on their own for a while. I like them as a tag team but Bryan deserves another single push! Goatface needs the World Championship again! LOL

Mark Henry VS Ryback I’m kinda curious how this match turns out. I really want to see both of them destroy each other in the ring. I think this match has potential to actually be entertaining “Big Man” match. I think Ryback will come out on top but I do like Henry more. He has improved so much in the last few years that I actually don’t mind seeing him wrestle now. He was a great World Champion better than I thought he would be and he is a great heel too!

I could care less about the Bella Twats match with Team Rhodes Scholars against Ton of Funk and the Funkdatals. I feel bad for Team Rhodes Scholars having to be involved with this match. They should be in a triple threat for the Tag Team Championship instead. But what do I know, I’m just a fan! Lol

The HOF should be really great this year. I hope we in Canada are able to watch it at some point. I may have to find out where I can watch it. I’m hoping The Score will air it sometime.

Anyway that’s it for me this month. I hope you all enjoy your WrestleMania 29 parties! I know Diva is looking forward to the “drunken peeps” I’m brining over tomorrow! Have a Nice Day!! J



***the views and opinions expressed in “Boot Camp” are strictly my own and do not in any way reflect those of WWE, TNA or any other group that I might inadvertently piss off! But….If you’re gonna get all emo over it, then run home to your mommy, curl up in the fetal position and cry salty tears into your fucking Ovaltine!!***




Howdy-ho, troopers! Yeah, you know it. It’s that time again! Boot Camp time? Well, yes. But, I really meant….WRESTLEMANIA TIME! Thought I’d remind you, in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months.

Since the last edition of this blog, the Road To WrestleMania had already begun. Everything from then on has naturally lead up to this point, so why not spare you all the pain of rehashing all that and just talk about the big night itself?


First off, there seems to have been a lot of heat because the Intercontinental Championship match has been relegated to the “pre-show” rather than taking place on the main card. I agree…and so does my daughter! (inside joke with my crew, but maybe you’ll see what I mean before this is over) It makes the IC title seem so unimportant, and we all know it’s not. That belt has a history that demands prestige and respect. But, WWE throws that perfectly good match out onto the Internet and keeps the “Tons of Junkadactyls in the Trunk” VS Team Rhodes Scholars and the Bella Twins on the main show.


Didn’t anyone who works for WWE’s booking department ever see the movie “Tropic Thunder”? There’s a line from that movie, “You never go full retard.” WWE always seems to be skimming that fine line, but this time, they wandered a little more to the left than usual.

Honestly, I ‘d rather just suffer through another outing with Brodus Clay, Big Mama Duckbutt and her Bridge Club.

If the match with The Shield VS Orton/Sheamus/Big Show feels like it’s been done before, that’s because it basically has been. Ryback wasn’t available since they decided to put him in a piss break match with Mark Henry, and Cena is busy with The Rock. Aside from that, nothing much has changed since the last time The Shield had a 6-man match at a PPV. If you ask me, it’s another thrown together waste of a match for a PPV of this caliber.

I’m actually enjoying the exchanges between Cena and The Rock lately. Leading up to WrestleMania, I don’t feel like I am watching some kid stand up to his school yard bully who keeps calling him stupid names like Kung Pow Chicken. So far, the only mentions of such banality have come in retrospect (that means they talked about it in the past tense), and it has allowed both men to put out better quality promos this year. This is how it should have been all along.

What can I say about the Brock Lesnar/Triple H match? We all saw it coming months ago. What do we get out of the deal? Hmm…..the obligatory HBK intervention, for one. Next? The pointless stipulation that’s made to seem so earth-shattering. If Triple H loses, his wrestling career is over. Whoop-dee-doo!! He’s been doing the “corporate” thing since last year’s WrestleMania as it is! What difference is this supposed to make? Nothing! Not only does WWE think we are all 12 year old Cena fans, they also think we are fucking idiots.


Something I like about the build-up for the Undertaker/CM Punk match is that it’s different from what we saw in previous years with Shawn Michaels and Triple H. CM Punk is has gotten to the Undertaker probably more effectively than anyone else in history. Of course, the timing of Paul Bearer’s death couldn’t be more conducive to help this storyline progress by leaps and bounds. Some say William Moody (Paul Bearer) would have enjoyed the way this feud is being handled with the use of the urn and all. Others, even certain members of Moody’s family, see it as exceedingly bad form. Maybe it is. Maybe it’s not. The impact is definitely being made either way.

I will say, however that if CM Punk actually ends the streak this year, I will be pissed. I feel that the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania is his legacy, and it should not be tampered with, or disrespected. Which is exactly why WWE will decide to shit all over it like pigeons on a statue in Central Park.

But, don’t let me crap all over your WrestleMania parade. The bottom line in all this is that we are supposed to watch and enjoy the event. For those of you who are planning to do exactly that, I wish you the best! I still don’t know for sure if I will be watching WrestleMania. Not because I don’t want to. It’s more of a financial thing this year, having just moved into a new place and all.


As for the rest of you, I’ll catch you next time when Boot Camp is back in session. Until then…..YOU’RE DISMISSED!!


Had enough yet? You got something to say to me? E-mail me at and get it off your flabby little chest! Your feedback is both welcomed and encouraged, and your responses will be highlighted in my next Boot Camp article. Your orders are clear, troops……it’s time to stand up and sound off!! I’ll make you famous! >:)

Until next time, this is The Sarge…..reminding you: The only thing worse than hearing the alarm clock in the morning is not hearing it.


The Sarge’s YouTube Channel:

The Sarge’s Facebook Page (“Friend” me, f**kers!!):

Follow The Sarge on Twitter:@The_Sarge_F4W


The Skirt Sheet

Well, here we are again. I just wish we could meet here in a more joyous occasion, but I’m not sure if that is going to happen. Usually, I’m very excited for this time of year, as only a true pro-wrestling fan can be, but I believe this is the first time in many, many years that I am not looking forward to WrestleMania. But I’ll shut it and get to bidness. Oh and Greg re: dressing up as Xena or anyone in public… HELL TO THE NO!!! Lol!

At first I was envious of our man, The Game, for being able to attend WrestleMania 29 in person, but as the card slowly (and honey, I mean slowly) revealed itself, I realized that I’m the lucky one. Why? Because of my ability to mute and/or turn it off or pop out for a much needed smoke.

I think it’s fitting to start off with the rants to end all rants. I thought about saving this for last but no, I think it’s only right to get this out of the way. But make no mistake, these guys are more deserving then curtain jerking a fucking dark match.

It was announced this past Monday on RAW that, Wade Barrett will defend his Intercontinental championship against The Miz on the PRE-SHOW!! On the pre-mother-fucking-show. I don’t know anyone who actually watches the youtube pre-show. Yes, I’m a huge Wade Barrett fan, but I’m also a huge fan of The Miz (much to my boyfriend’s chagrin). More importantly, I’m a fan of the Intercontinental Championship. A belt that had so many greats (not including Chyna) win and wear it with pride and honour. That this once prestigious championship is no longer worthy a match on the actual WrestleMania card. YET, some how two dancing fat-asaurus and their Funkadyketals along with two creepily facial haired pedophiles and their pair of matching camel toes are good good enough? What-the-fuck-ever! You know, I’m not the only person who is upset about this. I’ve read multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and they are not happy with this either. We are all baffled and left agog by this decision the WWE has made. What on God’s green earth possessed the WWE to decide that Tons of Funk (Tensai & Brodus Clay) & the Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow) & The Bella Twats get the spot on the actual pay-per-view but two guys who have worked really hard, get stuck on the pre-show dark match? You have to ask yourself; What kind of fuckery is this?

Aly Anti-WWE pic

Thank-you Aly! I’m pretty sure Sarge’s little ones face says it all.

I should have made my theme to my WrestleMania party, “laziness,” since that’s apparently the perfect description of the creative and booking team. I think it’s official, Vince McMahon is off his grapefruits. He is neglecting to put all the current championships on the biggest show of the year. There is no United States Championship or Diva’s championship, and the Intercontinental championship isn’t even on the card, just the pre-show. I’m just not impressed, over-all. Ryback vs. Mark Henry? Really? Really? Fandango, and Big E. Langston get to debut at WrestleMania but guys who work hard only get the stupid preview show? Somethings rotten in the state of New Jersey, and it isn’t the East River. They are going to run the risk of either or both, Fandango and Langston choking out there, on the show of shows? One of the Funkadactyls actually got laughed at by “Stone Cold” Steve Austin as she was the first to leave on the WWE’s reality show, Tough Enough, and she has a match at WrestleMania, but Natalya, Tamina, AJ and Diva’s champion, Kaitlyn, do not. No fucking wonder Beth Phoenix left the WWE.

Does anyone really care about Ryback vs. Mark Henry? Two big guys, who have less talent then a thimble does water, are likely going to stand around for the first five-minutes, huffing at each other before spending the next five-minutes of their match hitting all four of their big moves before they have to call it because neither of them have the stamina that the steroid injections were suppose to give them. Anyways, Ryback better keep his mouth closed or he’s going to drown from all the sweat pouring off of Mark Henry. I’m also pretty sure I found out what Mark Henry was doing when he was away from the ring…

Mark Henrys day off

(and no, that really isn’t Mark Henry. The GIF is from the TV show New Girl). I guess in four-hours, you need at least two “go-pee” matches…may I recommend this one?

I know I already touched down a bit on the 8-person Intergender Tag Team Match between the Funkadactyls & Tons of Funk vs. The Bella Twins & Team Rhodes Scholars, but I have more to say. I actually feel sorry for Cody Rhodes and Damian Sandow. They actually have talent yet I’m pretty sure no one gives a heaping pile of frog shit about this match. The other six are as useless as a pew-less church. Yeah, I don’t exactly know what that means either.

I like the Shield and their reasoning towards injustice within the WWE. However, unfortunately they’re in the wrong match. They should be involved in stopping the two previously mention matches. The Shield wouldn’t even be on the WrestleMania card if it wasn’t for the WWE desperately needing opponents for Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show. There you have, another match that no one cares about…. Brought to you by, BLAMCO!

When opponents were being figured out for Fandango, Chris Jericho must have been in the bathroom ripping off shit-tickets and couldn’t voice his “NOT IT!” fast enough. Now he’s stuck with Fandango as his opponent. Worse things could happen, he could be on the pre-show. Let me break it down for ya my peeps, this is officially Fandango’s first match. He is debuting at WrestleMania, therefore Chris Jericho will not be winning. What we get out of this match were the one-liners Jericho fired off on RAW about Fandango’s name. One of which he stole from me, just ask Greg. Fan-Man-Go! Only Jericho said Fan-sweet-mangos. Same thing. I did tweet my mango one long before Jericho came out with his sweet mangos. How come that sounded very wrong yet kinda sexy at the same time? Secretly I’m not going anywhere for Jericho vs. Fan-Donkey-Dick-O, because as annoying as another cheesecake (mmm…cheesecake) character is, Fan-dang-go is really fun to say.

Months ago, I saw Big E. Langston debut on NXT, and well, I actually fell asleep. That really doesn’t bode well for the WWE Tag Team Championship match. Once again the WWE needed to do something with their tag team champions, Kane & Daniel Bryan, and the Money In The Bank winner, Dolph Ziggler. It makes sense (I know right, shocker) that Big E would be Ziggler’s partner. If Ziggler wasn’t placed on this pay-per-view, it would be too obvious that he would be cashing in his brief case on the World Heavyweight Champion. Don’t get me wrong, I still fully believe that Ziggler will still cash it in and leave as the World Heavyweight Champion.

May as well talk about Alberto Del Rio defending his World Heavyweight Championship against the controversial Jack Swagger. My personal opinion is that Del Rio will retain the title against Swagger, but Swagger will be pissed off and attack Del Rio after the match, “injuring” the champion and allowing the perfect opportunity for Dolph Ziggler to run down, cash it in and do what no one else who held the Money In The Bank brief case has done and cash it in at WrestleMania. Del Rio dropping the title to Ziggler is a bit more heroic than if he was to drop it to Swagger and his anti-immigrant stance. Defeating Swagger still leaves Del Rio a hero in all the non-American-American’s views. Dropping to Ziggler, a lot less damaging.

I’m actually having a bit of difficulty trying to figure out the No Holds Barred match between Triple H and Brock Lesnar. On Tuesday night I was on the phone with The Game, ours not Triple H himself, and told him of my dilemma, and he suggested flipping a coin. So I took out a shiny loonie, and determined heads was Triple H (because who wants head from Lesnar), and Lesnar was tails (not that that’s any better) and flipped it…

HEADS! So I’ve chosen Triple H to go over in this match. I’m not really sure why this decision was so difficult. Maybe it’s because I can’t see Triple H retiring, maybe it’s because I can’t see him losing to Brock Lesnar again. Maybe it’s because if he beats Lesnar, then Brock looks less like a monster. And if Triple H does beat Lesnar, does that mean rubber match? There is money to be made from a rubber match, providing this match is more exciting then their match at SummerSlam. I guess this is one of the matches I’m actually looking forward to, just because I really don’t know the ending. HA, who knew!

Divas Coin Flip

Another match I’m looking forward to is always The Undertaker’s match. Especially since this year he has a fresh opponent, CM Punk. Two of my favourites engaging in what should be an epic match. Nevermind the size difference because these two bring so much to the table and are both incredible in-ring workers. Both have always been extremely hard workers in the ring as well. Undertaker could be dealing with ring rust since it’s been a little over a year since his last match a year ago against Triple H. Every year, we seem to question Undertaker’s ability and every year he exceeds his limitations and our expectations. This year, the key element is going to be stamina to be able to keep up with the fast paced CM Punk. That aside, the WWE lacked build up to this match, which is unfortunate. It makes you severely question what exactly they had planned before the unfortunate death of William “Paul Bearer” Moody, because when he suddenly died at the beginning of March, the WWE had yet to do anything to really promote this match. With Undertaker being a key component to their WrestleMania success, that sort of backs my theory of laziness on their part. When they began to use Moody’s death to further their Punk/Taker storyline, the WWE started seeing a lot of backlash, but what took a bit to get through to the public is that they didn’t do anything that wasn’t approved by Moody’s two sons. Both who have said that their father would have loved this. It crosses a line to a point but it’s not like they didn’t have permission. I look at it this way, it’s keeping William Moody’s legacy alive a bit longer. The WWE isn’t ready to just push him to the back burner just yet. They are honouring what he would have loved being a part of. With not having this Plan B just fall into their lap it makes you question the drive the creative had to make this match mean something instead of a random opponent chosen to take on The Undertaker and his 20-0 streak.

Last year the year long build up to The Rock vs. John Cena was a huge let down. They had a mediocre match that gave us the illusion of an epic match. How you ask? Because of the fans response to that match. Personally I wonder just how much of the fan reaction was piped in. Regardless, the fans made that match because of the way the reacted. The were putty in the WWE’s hands and if the fan reaction wasn’t that, we wouldn’t be seeing this piece of crap match for a second time. Once in a lifetime my fat, white, ass! It’s not exactly uncommon for fans to make a match seem great. Just take The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan in Toronto for WrestleMania 18. The fans were so loud that they changed The Rock to a heel from a baby face and Hogan to a baby face from a heel. But was that match really one of the greatest of all time? No it wasn’t. The first 10 minutes are of them just standing there face to face as the fans responded to each eye twitch or lip smirk. It was still the fans who made that match memorable. I am not looking forward to sitting through this match for the second time, especially since I’ve known who was going to win it for over three months. It’s going to be 25 to 30 minutes of my life I will never get back. Although my predictions say one thing, believe me, I’ll be cheering the exact opposite.

Originally my plan was to have my WrestleMania party geared towards celebrating CM Punk’s accomplishments and have it be a Straight-Edged party. However, Greg talked me out of it, and thank-god he did, knowing the card now, my straight edge party theme would have gone out the window anyways. There is no possible way to get through this WrestleMania sober. Thankfully I don’t have to.

One more thing I wish to address. In 2010, Owen Hart’s widow, Martha, served the WWE with a law suit about using her dead husband’s name, likeness and footage. Well, this week a settlement was reached out of court.

Owen Hart lawsuit resolved – WWE free to use his name and likeness.  The lawsuit between WWE and Martha Hart seems to have finally reached an end as of this Wednesday. The suit has kept WWE from using any likeness of former WWE wrestler Owen Hart, who died tragically in 1999.

From this point forward, WWE has the legal right to use the name and likeness of Owen Hart in their programming and various other productions, with Martha – his widow – receiving compensation and royalties.

This means WWE will be able to induct Owen Hart into the Hall Of Fame one day, as they have not been allowed to previously.”

-WWE Source tumblr & confirmed by the Huffington Post

This means that Owen’s legacy will live on. This also means that now, one day, Owen Hart will have his name, legacy and career honoured by being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. A dream that all of us Owen Hart fans have had for almost 14-years. Don’t get me wrong, I understand where Martha Hart is coming from. She lost the man she loves in a sudden and tragic accident. Her bitterness and heartbreak is not unfounded. It was an accident that should never have happened, but unfortunately did. The death of your soul mate, your true love, can cripple you. You just can’t flip a switch and move on. Unlike most people’s circumstance, Martha’s heartbreak played out in a very public eye, and her husbands death was very public since the accident happened in front of twenty-seven-thousand (give or take) on an internationally broadcasted pay-per-view. I don’t think anyone can really grasp the way Martha, Oje and Athena feel. As a fan, I wish I didn’t have to lose one of my favourites. He was an amazing wrestler and a very talented man.

So thank Martha Hart for settling with the WWE because I’m sure it wasn’t easy for her and her children. So as a fan of Owen Hart, I appreciate his wife and the difficulty this decision had to be for her.

With that said, I’m out of here. I have a party to set up for. One that I’m already partially set for because of my boyfriend’s surprise party last weekend. Glad I didn’t go with a colour themed party this year. Nope instead this years party is themed, Foodie! Where my guests are to bring food that have been re-named to be a wrestling inspired dish. So can’t wait to see people’s creativity. I hope everyone enjoys WrestleMania 29 tomorrow and if you’re out somewhere watching, please don’t drink and drive. That would make you an idiot and my readers are not idiots. Also a special thanks to Sarge and his wife and miss Aly Cat for the use of the cutest photo ever to be seen by anyone. Because, In Life…There Are Winners, and There Are Losers….Be Jealous and Be Sexy!

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WrestleMania 29

Pre-Show: WWE Intercontinental Championship: C)Wade Barrett vs. The Miz

Sarge’s Prediction: The Miz

Diva’s Prediction: The Miz (because they’ve mentioned he’s undefeated at WM a lot lately, but I hope it’s Wade.)

The Game’s Prediction: This shouldn’t even be here however Wade Barrett

Greg’s Prediction: Wade Barrett

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Sarge’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

Diva’s Prediction: Fandango

The Game’s Prediction: Say it right or you wont get my prediction LMAO aka Fannndannnnggggooooo

Greg’s Prediction: Chris Jericho

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Sarge’s Prediction: Ryback

Diva’s Prediction: Ryback

The Game’s Prediction: Ryback

Greg’s Prediction: Ryback but I wish Mark Henry will win

-WWE Tag Team Championship: C)Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston

Sarge’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston

Diva’s Prediction: Team Hell No

The Game’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston

Greg’s Prediction: Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston

-8-Person Intergender Tag Team Match:

Tons of Funk & The Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins

Sarge’s Prediction: Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins

Diva’s Prediction: Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins

The Game’s Prediction: Does anyone really care, Rhodes Scholars and Bella’s

Greg’s Prediction: Who cares but I go with Tons of Funk and the Funkadactyls

-World Heavyweight Championship: C) Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Sarge’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

Diva’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio (And then Dolph Ziggler)

The Game’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

Greg’s Prediction: Alberto Del Rio but Dolph Ziggler cashes in and becomes World Champion and Tag Team Champion in one night

-6-Person Tag Team Match:

Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. The Shield

Sarge’s Prediction: The Shield

Diva’s Prediction: The Shield

The Game’s Prediction: The Shield with Randy Orton’s help

Greg’s Prediction: The Shield with Randy Orton heel turn

-No Holds Barred (If Lesnar wins, Triple H MUST Retire): Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

Sarge’s Prediction: Brock Lesnar

Diva’s Prediction: Triple H (this one was tough- I had to flip a coin)

The Game’s Prediction: Hmmm who would I pick here let me think about this for an year HHH

Greg’s Prediction: Triple H

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

Sarge’s Prediction: The Undertaker

Diva’s Prediction: The Undertaker (although I won’t be upset if Punk goes over)

The Game’s Prediction: The Undertaker

Greg’s Prediction: The Undertaker

-WWE Championship: C)The Rock vs. John Cena

Sarge’s Prediction: John Cena

Diva’s Prediction: John Cena

The Game’s Prediction: John Cena

Greg’s Prediction: John Cena, then a riot breaks out at WM and in Diva’s apartment, lol

That’s it for us this month. Hope everyone enjoys WrestleMania 29 and if any of our readers (And our friend The Game) are there, we’d love to hear from you for our May editions, so just send them to: and we will include them. Just keep them a page to two pages long. Cheers peeps and enjoy!

“Fan- I see a little silhouetto of a man

Scaramouch, Scaramouch will you do the fandango”

Chris Jericho mocking Fandango on SmackDown 03/29/13

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes to The Fatal 4-Way!!!

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

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Welcome back, sort of.  I hope you had a wonderful Holiday season. We here at the Fatal 4-Way have a major announcement to make. We all had a great break, but it made us realize just how much time writing and putting this amazing blog out takes up.


So after discussing it thoroughly the four of us have decided that we are still going to write, just not as often. We have deemed doing a monthly blog more appropriate. The next task was basically deciding the easiest time to do said monthly post, and since we are more based on WWE viewing, and we are all WWE fans more so than TNA fans, we have decided that the Saturday before a WWE pay-per-view, we will ALL post in the Fatal 4-Way. You will get one big blog a month including our WWE Pay-Per-View Predictions for that pay-per-view.


Our lives have changed so much in the last year to two years that we have all been struggling to find the time and energy to put the blog out every week. We aren’t ready to give up completely, not after six going on our seventh year, but we have just decided to cut back.


So meet you guys all back here on Saturday January 26th for our NEXT blog, including our Royal Rumble Predictions!


In case you miss us and all our wackiness… Every Friday night Diva will tweet her thoughts on WWE SmackDown live during the show. And check through the weeks for her RAW tweets over on Twitter @F4WDiva. Plus you can find Sarge on Twitter @The_Sarge_F4W , The Game on Twitter @HHHFan83 and Greg on Twitter @blitz101 as well.



-Diva, Sarge, The Game & Greg!